In Spring 2024, I'm ready to breathe life into a decade-long dream, and I'm thrilled to embark on this journey with an incredible sisterhood of support. It's a venture close to my heart - dedicated to assisting and empowering purpose-driven, soulful leaders like you, helping you unearth your deepest potential and unleash your innate personal power.

I invite you to take a seat at this new table we’re creating in a nurturing environment with infinite possibilities to grow your business and honor the stage you are in, all while creating space for who you are becoming.

Sign up and join me on this new journey:

Fire Up with Debra Trappen | Speaker. Empowerment Consultant. Author.
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My intuitive guide process will help you…


  • Define what guides you – by clarifying your personal, core values.
  • Uncover what ignites you and learn how to fill your soultank.
  • Declare what calls you so you can live your purpose out loud.
  • Design inspiring, aligned life commitments.
  • Determine once and for all what success means to YOU.
  • Nurture your self-talk and build custom affirmations.
  • Embrace and infuse gratitude – daily.


Let’s do this!

Are You A Soulful Leader?

You wake up and KNOW there is more out there for you, you believe you are worth it and are ready to do the work to make it happen!


You are surrounded by champions and are seeking ways to nurture those relationships.


You wholeheartedly embrace a Why Not Me? attitude.


You passionately empower others with Why Not You? Encouragement!


Rest assured – you are in the right place at the right time!

My Fiery Why?

I believe every woman has a vivacious, valiant hero inside of her and it is my calling to engage, elevate, and empower her to step into her greatness.  My Fire Up process will help YOU define and design the best version of YOU, ditch the senseless hustle that distracts you so you can find your FOCUS, and finally build a prosperous, joyful life you are proud to live out loud, on purpose, and on your terms!


I write books, interview and intentionally assist clients in building diverse executive teams, present live keynote talks and host day retreats & workshops, publish a feisty blog, create fun #MoxieAffirmation posts, produce three podcast shows where I share sass + moxie, and interview FAB individuals who share their stories to empower YOU

This year marks the 20th year I have chosen a word to guide me. Choosing a word serves me more than putting together a list of resolutions or goals I am not fully......

Choosing one word for the year can be a powerful, focused way to guide your intentions and actions. This one word is more than a resolution; it’s an ongoing commitment to personal growth,......

Happy Friday the 13th + Eclipse Weekend! Eclipses are powerful celestial events that catalyze radical, powerful transformation; they open new doors by closing others. They highlight comfort zones and stagnant energy that you......

virtual event speaker
book club materials
work with debra
fire up podcast
leadership retreat
fire up book

Are you planning a sales rally, leadership event, business retreat, or conference?

Want to kick it off with a practical, motivational and FUN note or maybe close it with a vibrant, fiery bang?

Debra is the speaker for you!

When your attendees are fired up, smiling and laughing they are more receptive to listening, learning and more likely to implement changes!


Does your company thrive with a strong, independent sales force?  

Are you part of a community or company that supports and encourages developing the leader in each of us? 

Schedule one of the Fire Up! workshops.  Each of them is designed to inspire, ignite and boost sales teams, solopreneurs, and leadership into HIGH GEAR. Webinar series also available.


Debra’s first book is Fire Up! Taking Your Life and Business to 11…

This book is your primer to living the life you were meant to live. If you are ready to stop dreaming and start doing, Debra’s proven steps and strategies will help you define your core four, grow your influence, attract ideal connections, and progress to where you want to be!  

Get your copy today!


Feeling stuck? Does your soul tank need to be filled up?

Debra’s #MoxieMemo quotes will engage, elevate and empower you to believe in yourself, get inspired, clarify your vision, ignite your goals and stay focused, as you build the life and business that fires you up!  

For those times you need it, these quotes and truths will also get you out of your own way!