Okay, here we go… The next “ENTERPRISER” post is here! #Enterpriser is a blog series created to highlight the fun, quirky, REAL stories of “Captains of Industry” who are inspiring, navigating, and embracing change in their world!
Today, it is my pleasure to introduce you to the fabulously sparkly and effervescent, Peg Fitzpatrick!
A bit about her: Social media is Peg’s passion and her job. Peg works with global brands and leaders in the social media sphere across all the social media platforms. She has written guest chapters in Guy Kawasaki’s book What the Plus and APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur – How to Publish a Book written by Guy and Shawn Welch.
I started following Peg on Twitter a few years ago and was hooked. Her current bio there explains why: “Rockin’ a positive attitude • social media architect • idea girl • love to travel • naturally caffeinated • marketer • writer”! (Don’t you just ADORE it? I sure do!)
Peg is a GIVER. She pours into her community at an inspirational level. I was blessed to interview her, along with my BreveTV partner in crime, Kelly Mitchell… and Peg shared so many tips, tricks and truths about using Google+ it was off the charts! If you missed that episode, you can catch it here: #BreveTV: Google+ with Peg Fitzpatrick
Without further ado, here are Peg’s answers to the Enterpriser 11 questions…
Q1: What is your motto/mantra?
PF: I’ll go old school and say the Golden Rule: “Treat other people as you would like to be treated.”
Q2: What are three words that you and others use to describe YOU?
PF: Positive, fun and smart. (confirmed by spouse)
Q3: Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
PF: Fabulous. I’ve curbed it but it’s one of my faves.
Q4: What was your favorite job… and what did you learn from it?
PF: I have my favorite job now! I work with my favorite author and learn so much from him every day. I get to meet lots of fantastic people, travel to great places, and work from home. What I do now is a culmination of many different things that I’ve done in the past and I love the creative aspect of social media and marketing. I need a job with a creative element for me to be happy with it.
I am constantly learning in this job because I’m on so many different social media platforms and they are always changing. I’m always looking for new ways to improve all the social media that I handle and love the challenge. Variety is the spice of life for my work life.
Q5: What is your most treasured possession? Why?
PF: My family is my most treasured possession – they are the people that know me best (and love me anyway). l want them to be proud of me.
Q6: Who are 5 of the people on your “Dream Dinner Party” invitation list?
PF: Abraham Lincoln, Dorothy Parker, Oprah, Walt Disney, and Tina Fey.
Q7: What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud?
PF: Talking with my daughters last night – they are both hilarious!
Q8: Why have you embraced social media?
PF: I’m a very social person so social media came naturally to me and I love it! It’s opened a whole new career for me that I feel so blessed to have.
Social Media Is The New Television – it’s how people get their news and are entertained. Creating media is key for any leader. With Google+ Hangouts, you can produce your own video media, on LinkedIn you can build your expertise in your niche, with a blog you can be a writer and the list goes on. It’s a great way to express your brand and share the story of who you are and why people should work with you.

I could not resist sharing THIS photo, since it fits beautifully with our Star Trek undertones… #ResistanceIsFutile!
Q9: What is your favorite blog or business book that you recommend to everyone who asks? Why?
PF: I recommend Enchantment by Guy Kawasaki because it was the first business book that I read when I was starting in social media and it helped me figure out what it was and how to be enchanting online. It’s a modern-day How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie – a classic good read.
Q10: Who are your favorites to follow on social media? Why?
- Marie Forleo – her videos kick ass every week. So inspiring and informative.
- Ze Frank – hilarious, creative, and makes me think from time to time.
Check out his video. - Elizabeth Gilbert –I love her on Facebook. As a reader, I’m so exited to be connected with authors on social media. Writers are fantastic on social media.
Q11: What is your GO TO song to get you in your CRUSH IT groove?
I have more than one.
- Defying Gravity from Wicked sung by Idina Menzel
- Let it Go by Idina Menzel
(d11 note: I added one of my fave versions of “Let it Go” with Idina and Jimmy Fallon! )
Want to reach out and connect with Peg? She has oooodles of ways to keep in touch:
- Blog: http://pegfitzpatrick.com/
- G+: https://plus.google.com/+PegFitzpatrick/about
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/PegFitzpatrick
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peggy.g.fitzpatrick
- LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/pegfitzpatrick
- Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/pegfitzpatrick/
- Instagram: http://instagram.com/peggyfitzpatrick
Thank you so much, Peg, for sharing a bit of your story with the d11 community…
You TRULY know what it means to TAKE IT TO 11, sister!