This year marks the 20th year I have chosen a word to guide me.
Choosing a word serves me more than putting together a list of resolutions or goals I am not fully engaged with – simply because it is a new calendar year.
Choosing a word representing the feelings I wanted to feel MORE OF in the year ahead suits my soul-centered approach to living.
Along the way, I have implemented ways to support my word. For example, I now turn the word into an acronym or acrostic (which turns my one word into several – yay!), create playlists with songs to ignite the feelings I seek, and choose symbols to represent different aspects of the word.
My Guiding Word for 2024 is ROARING.
These are the supporting words and emotions that flowed out into my acrostic this year.
This will be a year filled with…
Reinventing and rising while embracing my intuition.
Overflowing with optimism, patience, and joy.
Actualizing my dreams with ease and in perfect time.
Reveling in magical moments of love, play, and harmony.
Inviting opportunities that honor my boundaries.
Nurturing beloved relationships and my well-being.
Glowing as I gather my sisterhood around a new table.
Roaring has several elemental meanings woven into it for me.
1: Water
I will feel the ocean’s roar vibrate my bones as it heals me, see the river’s roar as it rushes downstream, and soak in the spray of a roaring waterfall…
2: Fire
A roaring fire is often seen as a symbol of transformation, purification, and rebirth. I will seek to release all that no longer serves me and my highest purpose. I will honor this desire by writing it out and burning each limiting thought in the fire. I will continue to create and perform ceremonies that honor all of my holy boundaries and deepest dreams.
3: Lions and Dragons
I will release the roar of my inner lioness as I reconnect with and share my deepest truths.
I will embrace the fiery roar of my inner dragon and breathe the fire of righteous rage as I create the change I seek.
4: Laughter
I will experience more moments filled with roaring laughter with my beloveds and lavish celebrations reveling in the successes my new venture brings us all.
5: Women
Dozens of magnificent women have been associated with lions over the centuries. My research has already begun… starting with Sekhmet – my first Divine Feminine card pulled this year! Stay tuned for more on her over on my blog.
I am ready for this new chapter and this new season of life.
It’s time to ROAR.
Wrapping you in love and light,