Are you ready to get to the core of YOUR brand?

Your PERSONAL brand?

Is TODAY the day you decided to get clear, define, and nurture your personal brand… and SHINE online?
Have you done some work and now ready to take it to an 11 out on social media?


Start by focusing on (or writing down) these three things:

1. Define your CORE FOUR. 

Get very clear about what you value, what you love, why you are here and who you are meant to serve!

2. Design your journey.  

What does your BEST LIFE look like?  Now, let’s get you there!

3. Deliver your brand message (aka YOUR STORY) in a clear, consistent, constant manner.

Remember, when you define your Core Four ™,  you are guided by your values, can fill up your soultank with things you are passionate about and truly live your best life out loud on purpose, and on your own terms – serving those you are meant to do life with – every single day!

BONUS – it makes delivering your story so much easier!

We all know “Firing Up Your Personal Brand” takes time, patience, and consistency.  Please don’t get overwhelmed… just take it one step, one day at a time.  To make it easier, here is a list of 25 personal branding “tips, tricks, and truths” for you to review.  They are in no particular order of priority.  Choose one that sings to you right now; when you are ready – take another one on… and then another… and then another!

Here we go:

  1. Pursue your purpose, not a paycheck.

    This will allow you to do your best work… if you live your purpose OUT LOUD, the money will follow.

  2. Master your craft, define your niche, and let people KNOW what it is.

    Becoming known for one thing is not hard… It is saying NO to all of the other “distractions” that is the hard part.

  3. Know your competitors, so you can define your differentiators and tout them.YouAreOriginal

    Be careful not to “compare” your behind the scene struggles to their successful highlight reels online.  Look at competition from a different point of view… and allow them to inspire you to greater heights!

  4. Be your signature self.

    This world is full of knock-offs, spinoffs, and cheap imitations, being “genuine” seems all to often to be the exception, not the norm. There is only ONE you.  Shine your signature self.

  5. Be specific.

    For instance, when someone asks you “How are you?” – share more than “fine”. Instead of saying you are “busy” share something you are passionately working on that has your attention!

  6. Embrace your uniqueness and your superpowers.

    Not sure what your super power is? Ask yourself, what do people always come to me for when they are in need?

  7. Don’t fear failure.  #BeFearless
  8. Revel in reinvention.

    There is no shame in course correction. Avoid stagnation.

  9. Let your values shine through in everything you do.

    Has it been a while since you have defined your values? Sign up to fire up… and download the free d11 core values exercise.


  10. Sprinkle your sparkle to stand out.

    Always add a little extra to everything you do to delight your world, make people feel special and leave a trail of glitter they won’t easily forget!

  11. Believe in yourself… and your ideas.

    Period. No need to explain.  Just do it. :)

  12. Elevate others.

    You will need to adopt an ABUNDANCE MINDSET to fully embrace this one… once you do – this feels SO AMAZING!

  13. Be known as a problem solver.

    Inspire conversations in your area of expertise… Get involved in conversations where YOU are the answer to their issues.

  14. Give back.

    Plant seeds in your community and give time to your favorite causes.

  15. Be Productive.

    Figure out what tools and processes will assist you and use them.

  16. Collaborate.

    There is POWER in strategic partnerships and alliances.  Form your tribe.  It truly does take a village to reach our potential.  Try it.  I dare you.

    Haiku - Passion Mindset
    Click here to see my video blog
    on embracing a PASSION MINDSET!
  17. Approach your goals with a passion mindset.
  18. Be in the moment. …and focus on soaking it in – all of it.  Everything you do represents and forms your personal brand from how you take your morning coffee to the care you take in crafting a new proposal.
  19. Expand and nurture your network… with intention.

    Decide who you want to meet, do business with, strengthen your relationship with… and make it happen.

  20. Add value to someone’s world every singe day.
  21. Update your headshot – everywhere.

    Do you really want your first “in person” impression to be that you look old… or life has been rough on you lately?

  22. Pour extra time and energy into your champion clients and friends.
    2013-04-23 12.08.37
    Click to read about
    Being Fabulously Unrealistic!
  23. Create a “fabulously unrealistic” vision that inspires you to jump out of bed in the morning.
  24. Be Grateful… in all things.

    There is a win or a lesson in every single thing we experience.

  25.  Infuse FUN into EVERY SINGLE DAY.

    Not sure what you love to do for fun… STOP, right this minute… and write down 5 things that you love, that relax you, make you smile, laugh, etc… Don’t MOVE until you have this list.  Once you have it – INFUSE IT.

I plan to dive deeper into all 25 of these… sharing tips, tools, and truths on truly FIRING UP YOUR PERSONAL BRAND.

My heart’s desire is for you to be living a life you LOVE, doing work you are PASSIONATE about, so you can share your true story online to attract people you are meant to do business with…  all with a side of fun, sass, and LOTS OF MOXIE.

Here is to being on this magnificently wild journey… together.