This post is part of the d11 Personal Branding Blog Series…   Each of the 25 branding tips will get a “deep dive” in the upcoming months!   

Personal Branding Tip #4: “Be your signature self.”


The following are simple concepts (we hear all the time), yet still so difficult for many of us to embrace.  


2. STOP comparing yourself to others. It is a waste of time.

3. YOUR unique experiences and talents make YOU special.

You know the world is full of knockoffs, spinoffs, and cheap imitations. You realize being “genuine” seems all too often to be the exception, not the norm. You know there is only ONE person just like you, so why do you fight being “yourself”?

I believe it all starts with LOVING yourself.  

You speak encouraging words into and believe in the greatness of others in your life. Where is the grace for yourself in all of this?  What makes you and me always want to “be (or compare ourselves to) someone else”?  

Well, for one, you likely don’t “talk to yourself” like you talk to friends.  You can be downright MEAN to yourself… calling yourself stupid, fat, ugly… not worthy.  With all of those adjectives floating around your head – it is no wonder you don’t embrace/elevate yourself.  You can understand how this would seriously get in the way of a healthy personal brand foundation!


Ready to combat this?  

Pretend you are talking to your 7-year-old self…  Would you say those things to her?  Didn’t think so.  

Whenever you are formulating “negative self-talk” in your mind – stop, picture yourself with those piggy tails or in those Wonder Woman or Spiderman Underoos that made you feel like you could conquer the world, and try saying those negative words to that mini me.  It is crazy how well this works!

Enough is enough.

It is time to acknowledge your greatness, embrace your unique qualities, and get excited that you really do have our own path.

Start believing there isn’t anyone like you.

Accept your responsibility to be the best version of YOURSELF as possible!




 Hmmmm, worried that maybe:
…Your relationships might improve?
…Your businesses will flourish?
…Your day to day emotion could be HAPPINESS?

Come on now.  

You deserve happiness, love, and success.
“I deserve happiness, love, and success.”

(Go on, I will wait.)

You deserve to live the purpose you were born to fulfill. 
The world needs to be blessed by your talents… YOUR special gifts.

For that to happen, you have to get over your negative thoughts, believe in yourself, and start sharing your best self with the world!

Need some help?  

Here are 11 Affirmations to start infusing into your “self-talk” time:

1.  Loving myself is fabulously essential to my happiness and positive attitude.

2.  I deserve to passionately go after my goals and do what makes my soul sizzle.

3.  Accepting myself unconditionally gives me the power to succeed and rock my purpose.

4.  I am an amazing person who deserves happiness, success, and love.

5.  I accept myself deeply and completely.

6.  I have limitless confidence in my talents and abilities.

7.  Others will be inspired by my courage to be myself.

8.  I will take time to recognize and celebrate my achievements.

9.  I look forward to discovering new layers of myself every single day.

10.  There is no one like me and I can’t wait to share my talents today.

11.  I am divine, complete, and totally equipped to live my life and purpose out loud!

Need some more inspiration?  

Here are some of my favorite quotes on the subject:


Emerson QuoteMarilyn Monroe QuoteSteve Maraboli Quote







Now get out there.

Be Your Signature Self.

Cherish Yourself.

Love Yourself.

…and Turn Your Purpose and Dreams Into REALITY!



Are you in the Seattle area? Join me at a fantastic conference for women leaders called LEXI Women’s Leadership Summit.  Our next event is MAY 2nd at The HUB! (I co-produce this with the Founder, Shandel Slaten!)

Our theme this year is FEARLESS and helping women BE their BEST SELF is deeply infused in all of our talks and messages throughout the day.

Who do YOU know that could use encouragement and inspiration to be courageous and bold – either personally and professional? 

Now that you have them in mind, please shoot me a tweet or DM and/or send them here for more info: or!

Use my speaker promo code (dt2014) and save $25 off your ticket!