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Moxie Chat: Inna Rubinchik * Powerful. Genuine. Spicy - Debra Trappen
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Moxie Chat: Inna Rubinchik * Powerful. Genuine. Spicy


Today’s moxie chat guest is Inna Rubinchik.


Inna Rubinchik is paving her way in the high-end San Francisco rental market by combining extensive finance, taxation and real estate acquisition experience. Inna is a licensed CA RE Broker and has been focused on leasing high-end San Francisco properties since 2012.

Though San Francisco’s rental market is strong, Inna sees a need to improve leasing services. To satisfy her passion to empower real estate owners and investors to succeed, she has crafted custom property-specific marketing which provides owners with instant and detailed feedback. Her creative approach to tenant conversations and sophisticated sales techniques has resulted in consistent increased returns for her clients.

Prior to entering rental real estate, Inna spent five years at Deloitte Tax and several years with prominent Bay Area real estate investment companies. Working in both corporate and private environments has made her a creative and industrious professional with high standards of service and ability to provide unparalleled guidance to her constantly growing clientele. Her corporate background as well as firsthand landlord experience establish her as a trusted source of investment ownership and property improvement advice.

Ms. Rubinchik very much enjoys being a part of the property matchmaking process and guiding her clients in achieving their financial goals. Whether representing landlords or tenants the goal is always the same…offer an incredible service with a successful outcome.

Without further ado, here’s Inna.


MoxieChat Highlights


1. How do you define SUCCESS?

Life on my terms.


2. Share the THREE WORDS that describe you BEST and why!

Powerful – I’m completely fearless and never doubt my abilities to do something. If the idea of something came to me its the universe telling I can/should do

Genuine – no sugar coating. Embracing who I am.

Spicy – funny, sarcastic, unique, non vanilla



3. What is your favorite #soultank filling activity?

Reading. It allows you to borrow someone else’s brain.

Luxuriating – any activities that make me feel calm and happy.


4. What does MOXIE mean to you?

I want. I can. I know how.


5. What is the one word guiding you right now?

Ascension…to influencer.



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