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Moxie Chat: Louisa Garrett * Hilarious. Hopeful. Empathetic. - Debra Trappen
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Moxie Chat: Louisa Garrett * Hilarious. Hopeful. Empathetic.

Today’s #MoxieChat guest is Louisa Garrett.

Louisa Garrett is the architect behind #MakeKindLoud and Pass the Love…something that was born from her own frustration with the world, the politics, the negativity, the hatred towards others. 

Louisa examined her own story to discover things she didn’t like and made a conscious decision to change the way she was showing up in the world.

“Go Be the Change You Wish to See in the World” — That is what Louisa is doing.

Now, she speaks to corporations, groups, organizations, schools and challenges them to find ways to #MakeKindLoud. She hosts weekly online conversations and interviews the heroes among us who are making the world better with their own kind ways.

Her 140 bio on IG:
Best Selling Author. Soul Candy.

Without further ado, here’s Louisa.


MoxieChat Highlights


1. How do you define SUCCESS?

I define success by how you treat others and how you stand in the world. Are you helping or hurting? If you’re helping, you’re successful.


2. Share the THREE WORDS that describe you BEST and why!

      1. Hilarious cuz I’m funny. 
      2. Hopeful because I believe in the goodness of humanity. 
      3. Empathetic because I feel everything so deeply.


3. What are your favorite soultank-filling activities?

Resting!!!! I give of myself so much and it’s imperative that a take time to breathe, rest and be with myself.

4. What does MOXIE mean to you?

To me, MOXIE means a force to be reckoned with!

5. What is ONE WORD guiding you right now?


6. Final Words? Anything you want to highlight?

A new children’s book called “Kindness is My Superpower” coming later this year.

Fave Quote:

“We belong to each other.”




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