Please welcome a new guest blogger, Mikki Kingrey, of www.RealResultsMentoring.
As an entrepreneur, new clients are the lifeline of our business. It is a constant cycle, a flow of new energy that generates revenue – as well as a level of confidence, a knowing, and an opportunity to deliver our gifts into the world.
And when we are in a place of NEEDing new clients, that can be an interesting catch. Of course needing new clients to keep the business going is a common experience many business owners experience – especially in the earlier stages. However, there is a different energy that comes about when we are needing new clients.
When we have a conversation with a potential client, there is something different about the way we show up when we are in that slight – to increasingly intense – energy of needing clients. There is a desperation that appears, it is really a client repellent!
I remember when I was working in my corporate job and just getting started growing my business, I was super stressed, working a full-time job AND building my new business. I so wanted to be home with my kiddos more, so I was working my you-know-what off to “make it happen”. And the result… Nada, Nothing, Zip. I was literally repelling clients. That was not an easy place to shift from as I was physically experiencing big stress – and it was showing up everywhere.
Here is what I know to be true now. We have the ability to experience what we want to experience. If we want to be desperately needing clients that is different than holding a strong belief that clients are needing and wanting my services and ready to show up whenever I choose.
Yes, this may be a slight shift, but small hinges swing big doors. So the next time you are about to speak with a potential client, remember to connect to your purpose, your WHY, and to be in the highest service of that person.
I invite you to say, “I invite the right clients into my business with ease and grace, as they are ready and wanting the services I provide”. Go ahead, try it out now. What is different for you now?
Moving from client repelling to client attracting now and forever!
Sending love!
Mikki Kingrey is the Founder of Real Results Mentoring. She is a speaker, conscious business consultant, authentic sales strategist, and transformational coach for women entrepreneurs in the new paradigm of women BEING in their business with more success, fulfillment and purpose in their whole life, and DOING less – with less pushing, stressing and striving.
Mikki supports women entrepreneurs to LOVE the sales conversation, to design their business and life to support their purpose, passion, and unique definitions of success. Learn more about how we support women to create their success at www.RealResultsMentoring.
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