Hi! It has been a couple of weeks since my last post. I decided to put writing and social media on hold for a couple of weeks while attending a business conference and retreat. It allowed me to truly FOCUS on the 1:1 conversations and “in person” time with ooooodles of connections (new and seasoned).
This post is inspired by my return from a major conference in the real estate industry called CONNECT! It is a week filled with learning, networking, connecting, sharing, indulging in delicious food/bevs, and some serious karaoke singing! It is one of the events I look forward every year… starting the very moment it is over.
If you are like me, you always come home from events with oodles of business cards, napkins with ideas scribbled on them, Evernote folders filled with notes, social media notifications to catch up on and respond to, etc… This can be very overwhelming, right?
Here are some of my tips, tricks and truths to help you sanely, and efficiently, take care of biz!
By “take care of biz” I mean–> Follow Up. CONNECT. Follow Up.
Okay, let’s get rolling:
1. SEND a quick email as soon as possible.
I recommend you include the following elements:
- Thank them for their time
- Remind them about what you talked about – being as SPECIFIC as possible! Most people meet LOTS of people, help them remember you with the details…
- Find out what their biggest business goal is for the rest of the year
- Ask if there’s anything you can do to help
- Let them know you will be reaching out to set up time to reconnect.
- MOST IMPORTANT: Don’t try to sell them anything
ps. If you forget to send this note right away…
SHAME OFF YOU… send it as soon as you can!
2. ADD them to your CRM/database.
If you collected oooodles of business cards you can use a super easy app called CamCard! It allows you to scan multiple cards in a row, save them as a group, and then export them to a spreadsheet so you can easily upload to your CRM of choice. Make sure to add in a note with the event hashtag and year you met, along with any details you may have noted on their biz card!
Moxie Memo: If I am connecting with a bunch of people who gave me a card after one of my speaking sessions… I also send them a note with resources from my talk, a few of my past posts that make sense, and invite them to sign up for my email list to keep FIRED UP!
3. CONNECT on social media channels.
Don’t go WILD and connect on every single channel right away. Make sure you actually interact there, so they are not introduced to a graveyard “wall” with posts from 2013! This is the order I do my connecting:
- LinkedIn (specifically if we met at a business function!)
- Sign up for their blog posts
4. REVIEW their past 11 social media shares and/or blog posts.
You will find out so much about what they are passionate about, if you pay attention!
What have they been posting photos of lately?
What have been happening in their world?
What have they been asking for help on from their sphere?
Now, the most important “follow up” activity!
5. HELP THEM… then follow up – and HELP AGAIN.
Some of my favorite ways are:
- Do what you say you were going to do when you met! (I know, DUH, but it is so easy to gloss over this activity in the aftermath of a conference!)
- Connect them with people in your sphere who can do business with them
- Share articles pertaining to their business goals or passions
- Introduce them to some of your favorite bloggers
- CREATE LISTS on Facebook and Twitter, as well as use tags on LinkedIn (I use the event hashtag and year for event connections)… then be sure to revisit those lists every couple of weeks
Moxie Memo: Remember, your help isn’t immediately going to be related to YOUR business. If you are meant to do business together, the opportunity to partner will show itself. Don’t FORCE it. Please.
5. KEEP LISTENING- mark your calendar!
If you created the LISTS on Facebook and Twitter, the tags on LinkedIn and added the event hashtags/notes in your CRM you all you need to do is make ONE appointment reminder on your calendar to spend time “listening” online and reaching out again.
If you also use the Gmail, try the plugin BOOMERANG… It allows you to set each email to return to your inbox on a specific date! (Super helpful if you promised to get back to them in a certain amount of time.)
Now, it is time for me to follow up with the fabulous new connections. If you have more ways you follow up, or a tip to streamline it all, please let all of us know in the comments below.
Happy Follow Up Adventures!
As you (may) know, Kelly Mitchell and I do a weekly video-cast show called BreveTV Uncorked – Wednesday’s at 6pm PT. Every week we share a glass of wine and have a conversation about building a business, infusing digital, and being an entrepreneur – all with a little sass and lots of laughter. This week’s episode we highlighted ooooodles of additional tips and tricks to help you “ROCK Your Next Conference”… Enjoy!