June Gloom is a reality.

Every June, the same things happens here in Seattle (and many other places along the West Coast).  Gloomy (gorgeous, in my opinion) grey skies roll in here and stay… until July 5th.  It happens every single year, but it seems to surprise the natives every single time.  The sun peeks out every once-in-a-while, but mostly grey-grey-grey.  

Ironically, as I type this post…
the sun is BEAMING down on me on my deck, yet it is still cloudy and looming from my porch!

2014-06-20 14.29.08

This year, I decided to put together a list of 11 things you can do to bring fun into your “cloudy day”… and make you feel ALIVE!  It doesn’t matter where you live… these work on any cloudy day – anywhere. :)

Here we go:

  1. Click through photos you have posted on Facebook… or an old album of photo prints.  A little nostalgia can perk you right up!


  2. Shout your favorite quote OUT LOUD… at the top of your lungs.  I dare you not to smile when you do this… :)


  3. Make s’mores and share silly or spooky stories by a fire pit.


  4. Paint your toes a WILD new color… If this isn’t your style – try wearing a WILD pair of socks!
    Don't ask yourself what the world needs. (1)
  5. Talk a walk in nature… if you have dogs – BRING THEM!


  6. Rub your animal kiddos’ bellies.  This ALWAYS inspires smiles, lowers your stress and blood pressure, and brings them joy too!


  7. Take photos of your favorite things.  Create your own photo challenge to find, snap, filter and post things that make you feel HAPPY and ALIVE!


  8. Volunteer.  Sharing time with and pouring into others is an instant “pick me up” – for every one involved.


  9. Instead of eating on the couch… put a picnic together, grab a coat, a loved one, and eat outside!  If you have a fire pit in your backyard – set dinner up near it and still stay toasty.


  10. Spend time with children.  If you don’t have your own, put on your Auntie/Uncle hat and give your “parent pals” an afternoon off.  There is nothing like swirling and twirling with a toddler to put life right back in to perspective and remind you of how FUN it is to be ALIVE!


  11. Call your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents… Go back as far as you can and tell them you love them, listen to them share their favorite adventure, and revel in the blessing of being ALIVE together! 

Of course, there are ooooodles of other ways you can add LIFE and FUN to your “cloudy” days… 

What do YOU do to shake the “cloudy day” blues?  Please share your tips and tricks below!

Soon… our skies will look like this!  Perfection.


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