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This MINDSET BOOST post is for all of the bold, brilliant, exceptional entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, consultants, speakers, trainers, and independent sales professionals out there!
Stop obsessing on what you should or should not be charging “PER HOUR”. It does you no good.
You are paid for the VALUE you bring to the hour…
not for 60 minutes of your time.
I have had many conversations with many of you about how awkward it is to put a dollar amount on what YOU are worth.
you are worth it.
If you believe the value of your consulting program is $15,000 – then confidently charge it. If you believe your keynote talks will benefit attendees beyond all expectations, then confidently charge $20,000.
Stop apologizing for your fees or worse – cutting them.
Remember this, it isn’t about the “current” minutes you are spending with a client or on stage… It is the years of experience, transactions, negotiations, and education you have under your belt.
Go out and confidently ask for and charge what you are worth.
Don’t go this ALONE.
There is no shame in needing help or an encouraging word.
If you need a pep talk before you send your next proposal… call your best friend and get a CONFIDENCE BOOST!
Now, go out there and SHINE BRIGHT like the diamond you are, my friend!