If we are not careful and focused on our own definition of success, the media’s idea of the perfect body, a praise-worthy title or position, the ultimate number in your bank account, etc will become our definition. When we are fuzzy about our own success, everyone else’s achievements start to look like they “might be” or “should be” OURS. This plants seed of comparison and competition inside of you… and we are ready to CRUSH that this week.
Pull out your sassiest teacup, brew your favorite tea blend, snuggle into your coziest spot, and listen in on this hour of togetherness… Join Molly + Debra as they chat about this topic and share tips and resources to help you embrace your authentic self and live YOUR purpose out loud!
We will dig into this week’s affirmation:
I will take time to recognize my achievements.
I will learn from, celebrate, and honor my divine successes and failures.
Get ready for breathing techniques, meditation moments, sharing of ideas, experiences… and the divine serendipity that flows around us.


Want to watch the replay or grab the links shared?




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What is Spill the Tea?

One of the many fun collaborations between Molly McKinley and Debra Trappen!

Molly is the CEO of Intentionaliteas and host of the Afternoon Tea podcast, so in honor of our shared love of tea – pull out your sassiest teacup, brew your favorite tea blend, snuggle into your coziest spot and listen in on this hour of togetherness.

Get ready to hear us sharing ideas to, best practices around, and (of course) highlighting our favorite people, brands, and initiatives positively serving humanity and sprinkling JOY over their slice of the galaxy!

It is our heart’s desire to provide a lens for focus, a place to uncover the opportunities that abound. and create a moment to embrace grace and gratitude as we celebrate the beauty that is swirling around us. 

Let’s all go forth and lead with love, trust, and faith.  

Learn more about MoxieOnFire.com – one of our other exciting collaborations!