Imposter syndrome sneaks into most of our thoughts… Many of us ask ourselves if our work is good enough. We wonder if we are worthy of being at the table or in the room or on the stage… and so on.
This month there has been more glass on the floor from ceilings being shattered that we can recall, so this week’s affirmation is about reminding each of us that we are worthy.!

The affirmation:
I am worthy of being in the room and at the table.
My voice and ideas are valuable.

Pull out your sassiest teacup, brew your favorite tea blend, snuggle into your coziest spot, and listen in on this hour of togetherness… Get ready for Molly’s breathing techniques + meditation moments… and our sharing of ideas, experiences… and the divine serendipity that flows around us!

Our three tips to slaying the imposter dragon and taming your self-talk:

1: Surround yourself with people you can TALK TO about this.

Whether it is your best friend, a parent, your spouse, a colleague, or your coach… choose a group of people you can turn to who will sing your song to you when you’ve forgotten it.

2: Write out three custom affirmations to help you with this.

    • Formulate them in baby steps. Changing our thoughts and believing in ourselves is key. You can do these steps for as many thoughts as you would like… however, start with “the one”. 
    • Write out one self-limiting, imposter syndrome filled thought. The one that drags you down and makes you doubt yourself.
      (I am not good enough for this job.)
    • Then, flip it upside down and write out the glorious words that represent your ideal thought pattern. This is your GOAL thought!
      (I am amazing at my job!)
    • Now, write out 3+ sentences that will help you get to #3! Baby steps toward your highest thought you seek. Remember to start with a sentence that you BELIEVE… when you read it – you FEEL IT is true.
      (I am learning more and becoming better at my job every day!)
      (I am proud of the work I am doing in my job!)
      (I am good at my job!)
    • Read, think, and believe them – as often as possible – until they become your new, natural thoughts.

3: Take out a piece of paper or your digital device and start writing out all of your accomplishments.  

Training, education, and certifications you have earned, books you have read, podcasts you listen to, mentors you meet with to sharpen your skill, problems you have solved, people you have mentored, etc. – so you can SEE IT ALL.


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What is Spill the Tea?

One of the many fun collaborations between Molly McKinley and Debra Trappen!

Molly is the CEO of Intentionaliteas and host of the Afternoon Tea podcast, so in honor of our shared love of tea – pull out your sassiest teacup, brew your favorite tea blend, snuggle into your coziest spot and listen in on this hour of togetherness.

Get ready to hear us sharing ideas to, best practices around, and (of course) highlighting our favorite people, brands, and initiatives positively serving humanity and sprinkling JOY over their slice of the galaxy!

It is our heart’s desire to provide a lens for focus, a place to uncover the opportunities that abound. and create a moment to embrace grace and gratitude as we celebrate the beauty that is swirling around us. 

Let’s all go forth and lead with love, trust, and faith.  

Learn more about – one of our other exciting collaborations!