This week was a fantabulous, #FireMeUp11 kind of week. My first real, live, official radio spot as “Debra Trappen of d11 consulting” was recorded!
Tina Mitchell invited me on her show, The Money Hour, to share tips, trick and truths with her listeners. She has extended an invitation to visit the show several times a year for a d11 series – hooray!
My topic for this first segment: how personal branding and social media can help you build a prosperous business, memorable customer experience, and life you love!
The show airs on 1150 AM:
Saturday, 6/14 at 3pm
Sunday, 6/15 at 8am.
Listen to the show to hear how I answered these questions:
1. What is personal brand?
2. Why is it important to pay attention to our “personal” brand in BUSINESS?
3. How can a business owner build their personal brand?
4. Why is having a niche (I say this neesh – how do you say it?) so important – especially for small biz owners?
5. Okay, so we have our personal brand defined… Now what? How and when do we engage social media?
6. How do we know which social media platforms is right for our businesses?
7. Are there some general tips to get us started towards a richer engagement level on social media?
I was also in studio with two other fantastic guests. Mark Pellegrino with The Rainier Group was up first; followed by Julie Booth of Booth Escrow.
As soon as I have the recorded podcast link – I will post it on the site!
Don’t forget, if you are around this weekend… catch it LIVE:
1150 AM radio
Saturday, 6/14 at 3pm
Sunday, 6/15 at 8am
Happy Listening!
Here is the show/podcast!
Check out all of the other guests on the show here.