Have you thought about who you will inspire this week?  

Take a moment.  

Choose one person you will definitely find time to pour into this week…
Someone you want to help FINISH the year strong! 

Schedule a coffee chat – in person, if you are local… or via G+ Hangout!

Once you have had a chance to catch up, here are some questions to get the conversation rolling:

  1. What is the one thing you wanted to do in 2014 that you haven’t started and/or finished yet?
  2. What is your #1 goal for this month?  What is your first step?
  3. What is one thing I can do to get you closer to 1 and 2?  
    For instance: 
    1. Do you need an introduction to someone I know?
    2. Do you have a message, product, service, etc. you need help sharing?
    3. Is there a skill I can help you hone?
    4. Is there an event you would like access to?
  4. Last, but not least…
    Is there something I can do to help set you up for success in 2015?  




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