First things first.
Did you already read Part One in this series?


Now, take a deep breath.

(Did you do it?  I will wait…  In… and out.)

There is no “MUST USE” formula to define your purpose.   You have creative freedom, flexibility, and time to write, revise, and refine it… as long as it takes to get you there.

To get you rolling, and hopefully inspire you, let me share my “purpose”, as well as my personal passion statement. I believe you can share your purpose in 11 words or less. Mine is:


(Sure, you could also say: get people “unstuck”, help people find clarity in chaos, inspire them to take things to an 11 with oooodles of ideas and straight-talk peeps to their truth… but the end result of all of these is feeling FIRED UP and inspired to move forward.)

Just reading this fires ME up. :)

Are you ready to get going on yours?  No idea where to start?  Well, here is the thing…  start with listening.  Why?


“Oh, (insert your name) you always _(fill in the blank)__.   (teach me something new when I see you; comfort me in my time of need; make me laugh until my cheeks hurt; tell me just what I need to hear – whether I like it or not; remind me to have fun; or…) 

My entire life people have come to me for REAL, TRUE advice, and counsel.  The divine gift to see through the “stuff”, be a positive, uplifting, truth-telling guide, who inspires confidence and progress have ALWAYS been with me.  When my life’s statement was written in 2002… it felt RIGHT.  

It still does.

The mission of this post is to inspire you to take action, get closer (and reach) clarity around your “purpose”… TODAY.

YOUR mission, should you choose to accept it, is simple.  Take some time tonight or this weekend…. pour yourself a cup of coffee, tea, or a velvety glass of wine… find a sunny spot… and ask yourself these six questions:


2016-05-17 18.20.44 1: What conversations set my soul on fire?

2: What activities do I get passionately lost in… and lose track of time?

3: What is my “tribal talent”?  What do MY people typically ask me for help doing, getting through, experiencing, etc?

4: If I could only share/teach one message to one group of people… what would my message be and who would those people be?

5: What comes SO NATURALLY to me that I believe everyone else “does it, too”?

6: What are my top 11 Core Values?
(If you haven’t defined your values yet, download my FREE core values exercise!)

Now, don’t rush through these questions, but try not spend too much time laboring over them either.

Trust yourself.  

Write down the answers that immediately come to mind.

Ultimately, living your life with purpose, defining and embracing your reason for being on the planet, will allow you to truly focus on things that matter most.

One of the most exciting parts of this radical process is that you may not even realize how close you are to living your purpose OUT LOUD.  So, before you go for a full “reinvention”, stop and shift your paradigm when you look at what you are doing now.  If you are not on the ideal career path, you may be able to find greater purpose through how you do what you do right now, experience great meaning in and from it, and pour your greatness into your world as you look for your next step!

My dear reader, I am so excited for you and the journey you are embarking on…

Smile, you are about to give yourself an amazing gift!




Want more help with this process?

Check out my collaborative coaching program THE RADICAL ENTREPRENEUR.