11 words of inspiration from LL Cool J – the first HipHop artist to rap wicked rad messages in my world. I am looking forward to the release of his new album “Authentic” this week!  

I love this advice because it is simple, to the point, and an excellent SPARK to kick off the week!

Ideas to implement this week:

Photo  Courtesy Of: http://www.pomodorotechnique.com/timer/

Photo Courtesy Of: www.pomodorotechnique.com/timer

1: Work on honing your ability to FOCUS.  For the last year or so I have been using the Pomodoro Technique.  I use my iPhone as my “timer” and my favorite app right now is Pomodoro Time Management.  You can download the free/lite version to see if you like it before you get the pro version

2: Be sure to declare and act on your  UNREALISTIC goal this week by writing it down and doing one thing that will get you closer to it. 

3: Do something FUN to fuel your body, mind and soul.   Take a long walk, breathing in the fresh air, while chatting with a dear friend or listening to an inspirational podcast.

Wishing you all fabulous days ahead…

Be sure to comment and share what YOU are doing to SPARK your success this week!