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Moxie Chat - Meet Christine George - Positive. Collaborative. Responsible. - Debra Trappen
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Moxie Chat with Christine George

Moxie Chat – Meet Christine George – Positive. Collaborative. Responsible.



Today’s episode is part of the Fire Up Your MOXIE CHAT series here on the show. These 1:1 talks with vivacious, tenacious, courageous and divinely gracious women are listener favorites and truly FILL MY SOULTANK, too.

My guest is my sassy soul sister, Christine George.

Christine is a marketing professional, real estate enthusiast, die-hard Red Sox fan, Mom, wife, and yogi.  She grew up in the beautiful Berkshires of Western Massachusetts where she visited her Sicilian Great-Grandmother on Sunday mornings and had dinner with her Grandparents on Sunday afternoons.  Her parents instilled family-loving, hard-working, truth-telling, values in my brother and me.

She checked all the boxes along the way, she went to college then graduate school, got a corporate job, moved to the west coast, got another corporate job, moved back to the east coast, took time off to travel, ran a marathon and made tons of connections and amazing friends along the way.

In 2001, Christina was injured and she found yoga – or as she says – yoga found her.  Her practice eventually led me to a 7-year side hustle as a yoga teacher then, at 40-years-old, she married the love of her life and today they have a beautiful family that includes their son, Gil, and Molly – the fur baby.   




Learn a bit more about Christine through her pre-show Q&A!


1. How do you define SUCCESS?

I feel successful when I’ve been able to make a difference in another person’s life or business. When an agent’s business has grown because of accountability meetings I’ve had with them or when someone makes a shift in the way they think about themselves or their lives because of a conversation we had, and they experience a positive result, that’s when I feel rewarded.


2. Share the THREE WORDS that describe you BEST and why!

Positive – I always try to look on the bright side and see the opportunity. I’m Joy in the movie Inside Out, always trying to make every situation happy. I know that life is not easy and that we’re faced with challenges every single day, and I believe we have the power to choose how we look at and how we handle those challenges. Life is so much better when we choose joy.


Collaborative – I firmly believe that teams work harder and smarter and that people feel more valued when they are given the opportunity and the space to share their ideas and their opinions. I also don’t think I have all the answers. Everyone brings something different to the table and there’s nothing I love more than a strategy session where everyone is participating.


Responsible – It’s not the sexiest word but it has always been part of my DNA, part of my upbringing. Show up and take ownership. I’m reliable and loyal. People know they can count on me and if I let someone down, I feel it very deeply.


3. What is the best advice you have ever received?

Be true to yourself. Whenever I doubted myself or was having trouble with a decision, my Mom would say, “be true to yourself”. I believe we have all the answers within us, we just have to tune in and listen.


4. What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

I can lose my cool. My husband calls it my Italian spark. I call it passion.


5. If you could go back 11 years – what would you tell yourself?

I would tell my teenage self the same as I would tell my 20-something or 30-something self which is, to stop worrying and stop comparing yourself to others. Your life is your own and everything is as it is supposed to be.


6. What is one habit you are trying to build?

Slaying my saboteurs which is to stop the negative recording that plays in my head.


7. How do you make a difference in your client’s lives?

I connect with them on a human level and when I do that I become personally invested in their success and when they feel that I’m invested, they feel really taken care of.


8. What does MOXIE mean to you?

Chutzpah comes to mind…having the courage to stand up and speak your mind, to be bold.


9. What does a “perfect day” in your life look/feel like?

A perfect day for me starts with yoga and then hiking with my boys and our dog, cooking a nice meal, playing a game or watching a movie together and maybe even a nap somewhere in between. It’s connecting with my people and nature.


10. What daily practices to you infuse?

Affirmations, Prayer, Meditation, Yoga, Exercise


11. What is your ONE WORD for the next 12 months? Why?

RISE (RECLAIM your voice, INSPIRE people, SURRENDER control, EMPOWER yourself and others) – It’s perfect for me right now. I’m in the process of reinventing myself. I’ve always lived on the edge of doing what was expected of me while dipping my toe into what else was possible. I’m ready for what else is possible.


Do you have a new book, product, or service launching soon?

Yes! A new blog will be launching on March 2, 2019!


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