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Moxie Chat: Meet Kerstin O'Shields * Powerful. Dynamic. Impactful. - Debra Trappen
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Moxie Chat: Meet Kerstin O’Shields * Powerful. Dynamic. Impactful.



I am fired up to introduce you to Kerstin O’Shields!


With 25 years of training and performing in theater and opera, Kerstin has acquired an in-depth knowledge of all levels of communication. Kerstin brings her unique skills, talents, and understanding of non-verbal communication to life. She is the CEO and Founder of the Body Language Strategy System – a training program for learning to communicate leadership and executive presence through enhanced body language and expression, messaging, and leadership skills. Kerstin works with international speakers, bestselling authors, real estate professionals, and business executives in Fortune 500 companies.  She speaks and trains nationally on Body Language Strategy for Business and has performed keynote speeches and workshops for organizations such as Google, eBay, National Women’s Council of Realtors, and the Miss Washington Program.


During our chat, we talk about Joy Meters, emotional woobies, and our mutual dislike of profile photos in which people are closing themselves off by crossing their arms.  (lol)


She has created a special promo for the community to access her Body Language Strategy Online course at a discount. You can access that here: 

Use this moxielicious code:



Moxie Chat Highlights:

1. How do you define SUCCESS?

I feel and am successful when I see my clients go from feeling unsure or frustrated in their abilities to communicate and lead for themselves and others in their business to stepping to their greatness as a leader in every way that creates a positive impact for everyone they work with, both inside and outside of their business, by using an enhanced executive presence in their communication that shines out their abilities and influence that results in up-leveling their business brand, bottom line, and truly makes a difference in this world.

2. Share the THREE WORDS that describe you BEST and why!

Powerful, Dynamic, and Impactful – I feel these three words describe me because I live and coach through the mantra of approaching life through Grace and Strength.  I believe when you live in this way you naturally have the ability to attract and create powerful circumstances that can help to make a difference in other peoples lives.

3. What is the best advice you have ever received?

The best advice I have ever received was from my Grandma.  She told me to always bring your happiness with you everywhere you go.

4. What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

I am a salsa dancer.  I love to dance and on the dance floor is my happy place!

5. If you could go back 11 years – what would you tell yourself?

Don’t wait to step into your Greater Self…This time is now to do it!

6. What is one habit you are trying to build?

I am a life long learner and like to find ways to make things more streamlined.  I am always open to learning more things, especially when it comes to running my business.  I actively work to create systems to help my business and life run more efficiently.

7. How do you make a difference in your client’s lives?

One of the biggest differences I make for my clients is to help them discover who their Greater Self is and how to actively live in that.

8. What does MOXIE mean to you?

Moxie means bringing your fun and dynamic self to every moment in life.

9. What does a “perfect day” in your life look/feel like?

Being back on a Dinsey cruise on Castaway Cay with my kids, watching them enjoying swimming in the beautiful blue ocean while I sit on the beach with my honey and my friends drinking a lovely cocktail with an umbrella in it, feeling the breeze on my face and the warm sun on my skin.

10. What are your daily mindfulness practices?

Affirmations, Prayer, Exercise

11. What is your ONE WORD for the next 12 months? Why?

Grace – Life automatically turns out better when you bring grace to the table for others and most importantly for yourself.

Do you have a new book, product, or service launching soon? 


Body Language Strategy Online course with video and written exercise for the Four Pillars of Leadership: Confidence, Competence, Trust, and Approachability







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