pssst… you, yes YOU!

When you were a child, did you pick daisies to find out if that someone special “loved you or loved you not”?  If you and your pals were like me and mine – you were always seeking the “he loves me” or “she loves me” petal at the end of the game.

We all always wanted to be LOVED.EverySingleDay-SeeAcceptandLoveSomeone

Why is it that when we are the object of our own love and affection we tend to focus on the “I Love Me, NOT” option?  We painfully compare ourselves to others who have what we believe we want or deserve – to shame ourselves into believing we are not good enough, not working or hustling enough, and don’t deserve it because of something we have done.  We fill our mind space with negative self-talk!

Our flowers, as adults, are all “I love me, NOT” petals.  It is time to CHANGE THAT – for good.

Are you ready?

It is time to stop holding yourself back by comparing yourself to others, focusing on what you don’t have or what others do, and


embrace your unique, quirky self. All of you – curves, lines, successes, and yes – your glorious failures!

I love this saying: ThereIsNoCompetitionAmongWildWomen

“There is no competition among wild women! They are too damn wild to be caught in a tiny space of envy. Instead, they dance together and allow the good to flow abundantly to them.”

Cast aside your desire for small-minded comparisons.

Focus on being your best YOU and nurturing a tribe that will encourage, empower and love you along the way.

Now, gather your glitter, sprinkle your sparkle, pick the “I Love Me” petals and go after your week with passion and purpose!


Debra's signature :)