Lately, I have been seeing and having quite a few conversations about three of my least favorite words to focus on: competition, comparing, and copying.  Now, I am going to get on my sassy redhead soapbox for a moment, so put your listening ears and seatbelts on.

YOU are here for a purpose.

No one else can do what YOU do exactly how you do it. Period.

Stop focusing on what others are doing or saying.  It is a waste of your time.

Invest your time wisely:

  • Get comfortable in your skin.
  • Be intentional with your choices.
  • Move your body.
  • Drink water.
  • Define your values and live by them.
  • Smile.
  • B-R-E-A-T-H-E.

Never forget:

You are born an original.
Don’t live like a copy.
Find your voice.
Embrace your uniqueness.

Sparkle. Shine. Inspire.

(Tweet This!)

pssst… on the flip side:

When you are the one in a season of “winning” CHECK YOURSELF.
Make sure you are elevating your world by inspiring others to embrace their power
Use your success as a platform to help motivate, not as a look at “ME ME ME” megaphone.
…can I hear an amen?