In this episode, we check back in with Sarah Schnell Jones!

(Click the Fire Up! Podcast button to listen now…)

She shares her up date on adopting Biniyam (Jones, party of FOUR!)… and how being a Wife of 1, Mama of 2, Queen B to many at Bamboo Realty, AND growing a thriving Rodan + Fields business is ALL going!

I love hearing her heart for helping EMPOWER WOMEN to build a business that will bring them financial freedom.

Sarah and I talked about hosting a monthly Facebook Live Chat to share tips and tools to build YOUR online network marketing business!

Our first one is scheduled for Wednesday, July 26th.

Pop on over to my Facebook timeline and follow my page for notifications.

If you are curious if a Rodan + Fields SIDE HUSTLE is for YOU, feel free to message Sarah or me for more details.

Here is her contact info:
Learn more about Sarah’s R+F Biz:
Email her for details: RFSarahJones @




Fabulous Offers From Sarah!