As entrepreneurs we love to network… we love to attend events, conference, and fun events like: Holiday Celebrations. Happy Hours. Dinner Soirées. Sports-Centric events like Super Bowl parties. (#GoHawks!). You get the idea….
There are usually people we don’t know at these events and some may be people we really want to meet! There will also be people who are looking forward to meeting US for the first time! YAY!
If you are like me, you might do a couple quick things BEFORE you put your bling on and head out the door for a night filled with fabulous experiences and connections:
1. Take a peek at the guest list to do two things:
a. Review it to find a few new people you want to meet
b. Refresh your memory on names of people you know
2. Take a quick look at their photo, to make it easy to pick them out in the room!
Okay, it’s time to get real here.
When was the last time you updated your profile photo on social media channels like Facebook or LinkedIn? Can you remember or has it been a LONG time?
If you have changed your hairstyle or have had SEVERAL birthdays since that photo was taken – update it. NOW. Pretty please.
If you are a 52 years young, newly blonde, brilliant beauty today, don’t lose out on meeting a fantastic connection because they were looking for a brunette with curly hair or someone in their 40’s! ;)
Seriously now. Having a photo that is 20 years old is NOT a great first impression or positive experience with you.
Do you REALLY want someone to meet you for the first time and their first thought to be – “Oh my, you sure look older in real life!”
NOT A CHANCE, right?
By the way… this also goes for those overly “photoshopped” photos! Sorry, Charlie.
Last, but not least… and typed with lots of respect and love.
I know we all adore our pets. Mine are my little furry loves too… However, unless you are planning to send them in your place to network at the party – please make sure that YOUR FACE is included in your profile pic. If you want your pooch or kitty in a front and center position – make them your COVER PHOTO instead.
So, please jump over to your social profiles (at least Facebook and LinkedIn), confirm your photo is updated, and then PASS THIS ON.
Happy connecting, my friends!
Want more tips, tricks and truths on tapping into the power of networking events?
Check out this post and watch my webinar with Inman News.
There are oodles of ideas starting at 27:43!
One response
[…] sporting, Fourth of July picnic….) event! You put in the time and diligently prepared for (with tips/tricks in this post) and made a fabulous first […]