Building an email list can feel daunting… especially when you are starting a new company or pivoting into a new market segment.
Rebekah and I were brainstorming ideas to build our new, “collective” list for The Radical Entrepreneur when Interact came into our world and brought the QUIZ PARTY with them. ;)
Interact’s super simple platform that lets you create quizzes you can use to grow your email list, drive sales, and increase your social media presence. The fact that there was DOUBLE FUN involved – first, for our future clients taking quizzes is a fave pastime for ooooooodles of social media users and, second, for us having fun building quizzes that we believe will educate and delight our future clients- made this a perfect partnership!
We customized the “What Kind Of Entrepreneur Are You?” quiz and decided to do a test on Twitter. We scheduled tweets on all three of our handles to see how our first quiz would fair!
Not bad for our first round.
We a few key things from our influencers (and results):
- Make our answers shorter
- Make our end results shorter so our call to action button is seen “above the fold”
- Using emoji/bullets in our tweets bumped up our clicks
Next steps for us?
Work on making these changes and do another round our sharing the QUIZ LOVE until we are converting at least 50% of our starts! Stay tuned for updates along the way…
Want to test it out?
They gave us a handy affiliate link to share with you so you are sure to get an extra goodie along the way:
Rebekah and I would LOVE to see your quiz, so when it is ready – leave a comment below or tag us in your social media post!