Friday, May 2nd, I participated in, and co-produced, a women’s leadership summit called LEXI. LEXI stands for Leaders Engaged in the eXchange of Ideas.
I am often asked “What do you talk about and hear at those women’s events?”. This question always makes me smile and reflect on all of the fantastic moments experienced over the years. #LEXI14 was no exception… there were ooooodles of amazing tips, trick, and truths shared throughout the day, by passionate, powerful, fearlessly vulnerable women in leadership. So, I thought I would put together a recap blog post to share some of my favorite shares/quotes of the day, from each LEXI woman – and maybe dispel a myth or two along the way.
The morning was kicked off by the summit’s founder and President of True Life Coaching, Shandel Slaten. Her keynote talk was entitled: The Quest for Valor
Some of my favorite takeaways:
“85% of what we worry about will never actually happen!”
“What risk would you take today if you were fearless?”
“Being fearless is not the absence of fear, it’s being brave in spite of it!”
“Being vulnerable is not a weakness, it’s a strength.”
Erica Coogan (with Moss Adams) shared her talk titled: Be A Fearless Superhero
A few quotes from her session:
“Don’t forget to give YOURSELF grace and latitude.”
“Own your fear and use it as ammunition to drive yourself forward.”
“When women band together – we move mountains.”
My talk was next… “Fire Up Your Personal Brand… with a sprinkle of FEARLESSNESS.”
A few fun takeaways :
“A key to being FEARLESS is knowing yourself. Be sure to define your purpose, passions & values.”
“Stop asking people what they do for a living. Start asking what they do for fun, and really connect.”
(and my personal favorite)
“If you embrace your authentic self, you have no competition.”
If you found yourself here via an outside link, please feel free to sign up to FIRE UP on my email list!
Anne Marie Faiola (founder of Brambleberry) shared her story during her session entitled: Fortune Favors the Brave
“Never let your fear decide your fate.”
“Whatever transition you’re hoping to make, you need to communicate it to others.”
..she also shared a super cute visual on OPTIMISM–>
Mary Beth King‘s (of True Life Coaching) talk title: Create the Life You Want to Live
She took us through a fantastic visualization related to our “LIFE WHEEL”… and creating S.M.A.R.T. goals! Top tidbits:
“What steps do you need to take today, this week, and this year to meet your life goals?”
“What would it feel like if you had 10’s inside your wheel?”
“Success is more likely to happen when we TELL SOMEONE ELSE to help keep us accountable.”
Kim Crumpler Peterson (owner of Uniquely Savvy) knocked it out of the park with an amazing, raw personal testimonial entitled: From Fear to Freedom: Challenging the Lies, Championing the Truth
“If you shrink back and play small, you rob your team of your unique contributions! Lead with your strengths.”
“You were born with a purpose! You are savvy. You are unique. You are worthy.”
“We have an ongoing story in our minds. A lot of it is not true. What lies are you believing? Challenge those lies.”
Theresa Fette (CEO of Provident Trust Group) was up next with her talk:
“I Am Fearless Because I Have Been Afraid”
“To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it will look like destruction.”
“Spend far less time worrying about others’ expectations of you.”
“Consider and embrace the worst case scenario.”
Living Takes Learning: Becoming a True Life Long Learner was the final talk of the day from the magnificent Jeanette K. Winters (Corporate Talent Management Executive)!
“How do you achieve success? Go with your gut — it’s attached to your brain!”
“Our brains are wired to produce negative messages… we have to LEARN to fight them.”
“NO is a complete sentence.” :)
In the Reno REPLAY we had an additional speaker FIRE US UP. The fabulous Mizzzzz Krystal Tingle of “The Love Jump“ shared her inspiring story on her journey to find LOVE for the first time… here is a lil tidbit from her site:
“I have never been in love. Never. Nope. Zero. Whatsoever. At All.
Sometimes we think if we just sit around waiting, a guy will come knocking on our door. But, I’ve learned that it doesn’t happen that way.
The Love Jump is my decision to let it all go, take action and let love find me!”
Be sure you sign up to follow her journey.
My mantra from the day was simple.
Feel free to read it out loud and declare it for yourself too:
“I will tap into my personal bravery to become the woman/man of valor I am meant to be!”
(Oh, and you truly are vulnerable if you tell a room of 150 women you are wearing SPANX… from the stage!)