Are you ready to fire up your mindset for the day and week ahead?

Here we go… repeat after me:

I choose to surround myself with positive people who lift my energy.
Surrounding myself with champions is a gift I want to give myself every single day.

How did this one make you feel?  Did you repeat it?

As you step into a fresh new day or an exciting new season, I want you to embrace this truth:

It’s much easier to push someone else out of THEIR comfort zone.

That’s why it is important to surround yourself with champions who tell you the truth (ideally wrapped in grace), not those who keep you small.

Intentionally sharing your life with more champions and fewer “vision vampires” amplifies your success and your JOY.

To get started, I encourage you to take these three steps:

1: Ask yourself these questions.

  • Who are the champions that speak truth into me and push me forward?
  • Who are the people in my life who fill my thoughts with fear and scarcity?

2: Pull out your calendar.
Review your commitments and decline the events where the vision vampires will be, and you don’t “need” to attend. (You probably didn’t even want to go to those, anyway!)

3: Head over to social media.
Look at your list and “unfollow” the people you know you need to during this season.

You don’t need to unfriend them on Facebook – if you merely need a break. Unfollowing their updates simply means you’ll stop getting notified of their posts.

Yes, there will be some vision vampires you can’t avoid, but if you’re filling that newly found time with your champions – you will be stronger and more prepared for the moments you are with them!

You can do this, my fierce Lioness Pride.

Be strong and courageous as you move forward into this new mindset.
