Lioness, recently, we talked about FEAR.

I feel it’s important to share how I see the difference between the feelings we get from fear and the feelings we get when our intuition is whispering to us.

When fear hits – our feelings are heavy, dark, and emotionally charged. Our vision lacks clarity and feels frustrating and overwhelming and creates anxiety because it doesn’t “feel” right.

When our intuition calls, it feels lighter, less emotional, and crystal clear.  We can see what we need to do and it inspires a calmness inside of us.


The mere act of typing those words brings peace and joy… I hope reading them does the same for you.

Intuition is an essential life skill we must all embrace and learn to refine and nurture.

For this week’s exercise – let’s practice my PEACE method. :)

P.E.A.C.E. is about pausing and taking a moment before making a decision. It is the perfect strategy to allows you to tap into your intuition in an intentional manner.

Here are the steps:

Pause:  Take a moment to answer any request or invitation. Then,

Examine: Ask yourself: “Does this opportunity align with my values? Does it fill my soultank?” Next,

Assess: Review Your Goals…. Which one does this get you closer to achieving? Now you can

Choose:  Yes, you have the option to choose wisely. Not every single decision you make will fit perfectly into your value structure, but when you use this process, you are consciously aware – from the start.

Execute: Now you can confidently and intentionally integrate the activity, nurture the relationship, etc., knowing it will add value to your life – in alignment with your core principles.

Also, I encourage you not to underestimate the power of prayer. You don’t need to be religious to pray. The act of praying slows you down and focuses your thoughts. Lionesses, saying a prayer is a powerful way to enhance your intuitive prowess.

You will become audaciously braver in pursuing your dreams when you are clearly listening to your intuition and focused on the divine possibilities ahead.

Go boldly and passionately into your week, my fierce Lionesses.
