First things first, read the affirmation:

Today is going to be magnificent.
Divine things are going to happen to and for me.
It is my time to shine.
The best is yet to come!

Now, go ahead and repeat it.

Speaking life into and manifesting the life you WANT is so much more productive than focusing on what you don’t have, what’s been “done to you”, and how your life would be so much better IF…

3 Reflections Questions:

1: Is your mantra “It is what it is” or more like “it is what I choose to see”?

2: Do you focus on the negative or look for the positive?

3: Do you embrace a victim mentality and find yourself saying “you can’t possibly understand” or “you just don’t know what I have been through” or are you a victor and say “I am so proud of what I have overcome!”?

If you haven’t had a chance to listen to my conversation with Tara-Nicholle Nelson, the CEO of SoulTour – I encourage you to listen here!

We talked about how to metabolize the past and set yourself up for a magnificent year ahead.  Our chat really turned into a “Mini Master Class” that includes Tara sharing the 6 questions to ask yourself every year. She does this practice in December, but these are wonderful questions to ask yourself any time of year!

Lioness, it’s your time to shine… and yes, the best is yet to come!

Learn more about Tara-Nicholle here.

Learn more about SoulTour here.
