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Who are you listening to? - Affirmation 30 - Debra Trappen
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Who are you listening to? – Affirmation 30

This week’s affirmation is reminding you to take a moment and review who surrounds you and speaks into you!

Ready? Read it out loud!

I will surround myself with divine connections who are a reflection of who I want to become and focus on bringing joy and laughter wherever they go.


Repeat it, as you wish!

After sharing the last week with some of my fiercest, feistiest Lionesses and champions – this was the perfect affirmation to highlight.

Also, I gave a new keynote talk about Powering Yourself Thru Change (stay tuned – I will be posting more about that soon) and one of the most commented-on points was around “surrounding yourself with champions”… specifically, because other people’s energy either helps or hinders you.

Here are a few key points you can start using as you decide who to spend more time with and whose invitations you strongly consider declining:

1: Enthusiasm is essential.

When you share time with happy, positive, enthusiastic people, you’ll find yourself seeing the world differently. Do you consistently feel alive and ready to take on the world after you connect with a friend or mostly drained and depressed because their focus is far too often on the negative?

Also, it is smart to take a look at how YOU leave others feeling… are you the vision vampire or the voice of victory?


2. Belly laughs bond us.

Laughter is a great way to connect with others and is central to forming lasting relationships.

When you weave shenanigans and laughter into your connection – life is divinely better. Lioness, be sure you have champions who tickle your funny bone.


3. Solution seekers wanted!

I encourage you to surround ourselves with people who complain less and focus on solutions more. I know the struggle is real, life throws you punches, and it isn’t always unicorns and rainbows… HOWEVER, I also know you can always find something to be grateful for – even if it is a lesson on what not to do again. ;)

For me, I find I am more refreshed and energized when I spend time with people who love to solve the puzzle, not complain about how many pieces there are.

In the end, you’re the average of ALL the people who speak into you. If you are on social media – that number has FAR surpassed the traditional “5” people we used to focus on… Please, please take a moment to look around and make sure you’re in the right place with the best people. Review your inner circle of friends and confidantes.

(Need help? Affirmation 12 has some steps to help you with this!)

You know me, I also have two more questions for you to ask yourself about the people in your life. Before or after you meet with your inner circle, slow down and ask yourself:

   1:  Is this someone who represents who I would like to become?

   2:  Do I admire and respect them? 

If your answer is NO, I believe it is time to release them from your life and open up that space for new connections who will fill your soultank with scrumptious soul food that will fuel your vision.

Lioness, it’s worth the time it may take to intentionally surround yourself with people who wholeheartedly create a life built on joy, goodness, and integrity for themselves and those around them.



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