This week’s affirmation is about being responsible for our energy.

Ready? Say it out loud:

I am responsible for the energy I bring to every room I enter.
Before I walk in…
my thoughts are collected
my feelings are connected,
my words are respected.

Go ahead and repeat it, if you wish.
Let it soak into your soultank…

Lioness, this week’s message is short and sweet.

You are 100% responsible for the energy that you create for yourself.

You are also responsible for the energy that you bring to others.

I encourage you to do what you need to do to take care of yourself so you are able to bring your best energy with you.

If you’re not feeling it and your cranky pants are taking over – stop, take a time out and fill your soultank. Go to your list of things you love to do and do one or two things for yourself. Combine them for a triple shot!  Schedule a wine day with your friends where you can listen to live music. Make a tea date with your Mum and reminisce over old photos. “Kidnap” your love for a mid-day movie and get extra butter on that popcorn – without guilt!

You won’t regret showing up as your best self and being kind to others.

You don’t need to feel guilty for treating yourself with love.

You can’t always say the same about those times you barked at or shamed someone while you were in the middle of a personal tantrum.

One last note: you are also responsible for choosing the energy you ALLOW in YOUR space. 

Choose wisely, my friend.

