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Decisions That Make Your Future Self Proud - Affirmation 34 - Debra Trappen
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Decisions That Make Your Future Self Proud – Affirmation 34


This week’s affirmation is about recognizing the decisions we make today determine our success tomorrow.

Are you ready? Repeat after me:

I will make decisions today that will make my future self proud.

Let’s say it again!

I will make decisions today that will make my future self proud.


Are you ready to step up and be part of designing a magnificent life that honors your fabulous, fierce, feisty, focused self?

Here are some steps you can start implementing and practicing this week:


Step 1: Know what you want and where you want to go!

The best way to make a confident decision is by knowing what your goals are. When you’re more aware of what you want out of your life, you are able to make better choices. Makes sense, right? 

When you get ready to make a decision, stop and think… Where I want to be in a year?

Ask yourself:

Will this decision take me in the direction I want to go? 

Will this affect me positively or negatively? 

If the answer is not in alignment with or supportive of your goals and dreams, reassess your decision. Lioness, not every single answer will be perfectly in line with your visions and goals. Please give yourself grace when you make those. Get up, shake it off, and move forward.

Need help with setting Values-Based Goals?

Head to and download my 44-page guide!

Use the code: MoxieGoals50 and get it for half off!


Step 2: Listen to your intuition.


Whether you believe it or not, the force is strong within you. You have the power inside to fully know yourself better than anyone else. 

In my experience, when I ignore what my intuition is telling me it is usually because I don’t want to face the reality of the decision I have to make. It’s scary or makes me uncomfortable. Even as someone who loves change, I can be held back by my own thoughts.

In order to really listen in, try this exercise.

Write down each thought you have about the decision you have to make – the pros and the cons!

Then, write down WHY you think you’re feeling the way you do. 

The answer usually shows itself pretty clearly.


Step 3: Be kind to yourself.


If you are willing to learn how to do this, you will soar. You’ve heard me say this before – YOUR thoughts and words are the ones you hear most. Being kind to yourself increases self-confidence and lessens your need for approval. 

Lioness, loving and caring for yourself not only strengthens self-trust, it also deepens your connection with others. When you confidently you allow yourself the ability to feel better about making big decisions in the future.


Step 4: Know the worst case scenario.


One of the women I met during my work with the LEXI Women’s Conferences, Theresa Fette, shared this amazing technique.

Simply put, when I am making a big decision, I stop and imagine the worst case scenario. If I can live with it or come back from any negative repercussions – I move forward.

If the risk is too high, I go back to the drawing board to find another way.

Here is the video filled with straight-talk from my friend, Theresa.  Her LEXI talk contains practical advice on being fearless through being afraid… and at 11:00 she shares a fabulous story showcasing the “Worst Case” technique!

Video link:


Step 5: Choose and follow thru.


Trusted, powerful, moxielicious leaders do more than talk – they actually make decisions and implement them. Don’t get stuck in the decision loop (also known as) “analysis-paralysis”! If you are always wanting and waiting to discuss it a little bit more or gather just a few more facts – you will never reach your potential.

You know it as well as I do… At some point you have to make the decision and move forward. If it ends up being the wrong decision then change course and try again!

Failing forward and failing FAST is better than not starting at all.


Lioness, the one sure way you’re going to get better at making strong, intentional decision is by making intentional decisions every single day. When you start making this part of your daily practice, you will feel more confident in your actions and decision-making skills.

And yes… Your future self will thank you!




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