This week’s affirmation is about taking the sacred time to celebrate your successes.

Are you ready? Repeat after me:

I will take time to recognize my achievements.
I will learn from, celebrate and honor my divine successes and failures.

To learn from your successes and failures – you have to know what your successes look like!  It helps you recognize when you are succeeding.

Let’s take a moment and talk about the concept of defining your own success.

Do you know what success means to YOU?  In this season?

What it will LOOK like?

How will it make you FEEL?

Consider these two thoughts: 

First, if you don’t define what it means to you, the definitions the world sets will become yours.

If you are not careful and focused on your own definition of success, the media’s idea of the perfect body, a praise-worthy title or position, the ultimate number in your bank account, etc will become your definition.

Second, you are able to truly support other people’s successes without feeling less than or in competition with them! 

When you are fuzzy about your own success, everyone else’s achievements start to look like they “might be” or “should be” YOURS. This plants seed of comparison and competition inside of you.

To help you combat this, I encourage you to write out as many statements starting with these two prompts:

1: I am successful when ______________________.

2: I will feel successful when ______________________. 

This is a fun exercise.  Once you have stated what YOUR SUCCESS looks like and will look like, take time every day to review where you were able to honor these statements.

Now, let’s talk about failure.

Who was it that decided failure is a negative thing and took your power to see it as a positive?

A teacher? A parent? A friend?

We all have that person and most of us have been that person.

It really isn’t until recently that our society has started to jump on the EMBRACE FAILURES train.

Let’s face it – most of us need to do something more than once to get it right.  


Not doing something perfectly on the first try is PART OF LIFE.   

I am betting it took you several tries before you learned to tie your shoes.  What if you let this fundamental lesson elude you because you didn’t master “the bunny ears”, “magic fingers” or the “circle technique”  the first time?  

Looking at failure negatively sets you up for a life of many more negative moments than positive.

Remember, by definition, learning requires not knowing something.  Start seeing your failures as beacons leading to a learning opportunity; signals that a new mentor is waiting for you; and experiences that get you closer to success!

Rejoice that when you are doing and reaching and dreaming – failure is fabulously inevitable. 

Start seeing failure as God’s way of helping us gently see we are going the wrong way.

Lioness, let’s make it more FUN to fail… and always be focused on failing forward.

