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I invite you to take a seat at this new table we’re creating in a nurturing environment with infinite possibilities to grow your business and honor the stage you are in, all while creating space for who you are becoming.

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Your Voice Is Valuable. You Earned Your Seat At The Table. - Affirmation 47 - Debra Trappen
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Your Voice Is Valuable. You Earned Your Seat At The Table. – Affirmation 47



This week’s affirmation is about how truly worthy you are!

Are you ready? Repeat after me:

I am worthy of being in the room and at the table.
My voice and ideas are valuable.

I consult with magnificent leaders every single day.

Some run small, mighty companies, others lead Fortune 500’s, but they all have one thing in common. Every one of them, at some point, asks me “Was that (answer, email, video, post, etc) good enough?”

No matter who they are or what their experience has been – imposter syndrome sneaks in and they ask if their work/response was good enough.

They wonder if they worthy of being at the table or even in the room!

I ask them a series of questions (I know, shocking) to get them to answer their own questions and see their greatness.

This week, I want you to explore one of them:

Do you believe you possess the knowledge and experience you need to be at the table?

In other words, do you have the knowledge and experience you need to do the job you are doing that earned you the seat at the table where you now sit?

If you are unsure and stuck, try this:

Write out the training, education, and certifications you have earned, books you have read, podcasts you listen to, mentors you meet with to sharpen your skill, problems you have solved, people you have mentored, etc. – so you can SEE IT ALL.

It’s mind-blowing for most people. We underestimate ourselves, our knowledge, our experience, and our connections.

Remembering all you have accomplished will help you see, you EARNED your place at that table.

Yes, when you are at the table – you deserve to be at the table and most definitely in the room!

For those instances you STILL feel you lack knowledge or experience – do something about it.

Take a class.
Read books on that topic.
Listen to podcasters who highlight experts in that space.
Spend time with your mentors.
Volunteer on a board where you can pick up a new skill or meet a new mentor.


Today, right now, in this moment… you are worthy.

Your voice is valuable. You have earned your place at the table.

Now, kick that imposter syndrome to the curb… be bold, speak up and share your magnificent self with the others (thinking the same thing) at the table with you.



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