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Moxie Chat: Meet Natalie Pyles * Friendship. Steadiness. Faith. - Debra Trappen
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Moxie Chat: Meet Natalie Pyles * Friendship. Steadiness. Faith.


I am fired up to introduce you to, Natalie Pyles.

Natalie is a Producer and Sound Engineer in Salt Lake City, Utah who loves to create awesome podcasts!

She graduated from Brigham Young University. Natalie excelled in academics and still seeks to learn every day.

Natalie has been a volunteer teacher in schools in Guatemala and Mexico. She became a Middle School Spanish Teacher, which she loved until she hung up her dry-erase marker to focus on taking care of the sweetest kids ever. Both of her children were born needing multiple surgeries so managing their health care has been one of her great life challenges. She’s learned not to take health or family for granted.

Natalie loves to plan vacations (but not necessarily go on vacations,) play catch, read all the books, eat foods that contain butter, go hiking, take pictures of rainbows, make up alternative captions for picture books to make her kids laugh, clean in real life, and edit podcasts, which she considers cleaning in virtual life.

During this chat, Natalie and I talk about everything from the importance of friendship and faith to the advice from the amazing women in our lives!


Moxie Chat Highlights:

1. How do you define SUCCESS?


For me to feel successful I have to get everything done on my list, and something extra, and stay calm during the process. It’s not the most enlightened answer, because it’s not always possible, but I’m really happy when I do that.


2. Share the THREE WORDS that describe you BEST!






Listen in to hear WHY she chose these words. Natalie’s answers touched my soul! 


3. What is the best advice you have ever received?


Be the change. I have a reformer’s nature and a critical eye, so this advice has helped me turn those traits into a positive thing where I myself am doing what I want to see more of.


4. What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?


I worry a lot about efficiency, conservation, and logistics. I act easy going and keep these thoughts to myself because they would drive my friends and family crazy.


5. If you could go back 11 years – what would you tell yourself?


11 years ago would send me back to the year my first baby was born. I would definitely tell myself to learn how to delegate. Since I enjoy hard work I took on a lot of things and in hindsight I wish I would have “shared” more. Don’t miss what she shares during her rapid fire segment… 


6. What is one habit you are trying to build?


I want to get in the habit of taking the time to plan what I’m going to say before I speak so that I can be more articulate and also more kind.


7. If you could share a meal with ANY 3 people, who would they be and why?


This answer is going to give away my major love of religion, history and girl time: Mary, Joan of Arc and Eve.


8. What does MOXIE mean to you?


I have an 8-year-old daughter who is both feisty and adorable. She’s an unstoppable force, a fighter, ambitious, creative, fun, and strong-willed. So, I’m currently raising moxie. She’s The Boss, in the best possible way, but we don’t use the word bossy in our house because she’s amazing.


9. What does a “perfect day” in your life look/feel like?


My perfect day would be very productive. My husband and I would take turns picking the music and we would clean and organize our house, yard, and garage, and then watch a movie and cuddle with our kids.


10. What is your ONE WORD for the next 12 months? Why?


Influence. My purpose this year is to learn how to mold, inspire and have a positive impact on the people in my world, rather than telling, reminding and prodding them.



11. Do you have something launching soon? Anything special you want to talk about on the show?


Reach out to Natalie via e-mail at to chat about podcast production!







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