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Moxie Chat: Meet Portia Allen * Passionate. People. Smile! - Debra Trappen
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Moxie Chat: Meet Portia Allen * Passionate. People. Smile!



Today’s divine guest, Portia Allen, is here to share her fierce, fiery soultank filling wisdom. Let me share a bit about her:

Portia LOVES Jesus and people. She is a “happy to be” extrovert who thrives on being with others. 

She often uses the phrase: “You’re my friend and I love you!”

Portia is married to the love of her life, Clinton Allen. They have three amazing BOYS and live in Minneapolis, Minnesota. (Yes, my home state!) I love how she adds, “there is way more to this state than the cold.” Amen, sister – AMEN!

Portia has been in ministry for 9 years and leads alongside her husband Clinton at River Valley Church in Minnesota under their lead Pastors Rob & Becca Ketterling. She has had the opportunity to speak in Minnesota and across the country and is passionate about uplifting and empowering women.

Her goal as a friend is to cheer you on into what God has created you to be and remind you of the truth we so often forget…God is absolutely FOR YOU because he LOVES YOU.


During this chat, we talk about FAITH, how people give her LIFE, the Sparkle Conference where we met through our friend Cill, and the exciting new project she is involved in – She Speaks Stories podcast!


Moxie Chat Highlights:


1. How do you define SUCCESS?  

Success to me looks like the people I’m around being encouraged either by something I have done or said(small or big). It also feels like my heart at peace regardless of my circumstances.


2. Share the THREE WORDS that describe you BEST and why!    

People– I LOVE them!

Smile– Triggered by seeing other people and it’s a pretty big one. ;-)

Passionate– Whether its something I enjoy doing, people in my life, or something in need of justice, I’m ALL IN.


3. What is the best advice you have ever received?

When trying to make a decision, if you do not have an absolute directive from God and it doesn’t contradict his word, make a choice with confidence knowing God is with you.


4. What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

I enjoy having time alone.


5. If you could go back 11 years – what would you tell yourself?

Ask for help when you need it.


6. What is one habit you are trying to build?

Memorizing Scripture WITH references.


7. How do you make a difference in your client’s lives?

Hearing them and reminding them the truth of their situation through the filter of God’s word, even if I don’t tell them, “This is what the Bible says.”


8. What does MOXIE mean to you?     

Class with a healthy dose of sass. Carrying yourself with confidence with the ability to show up for others, especially when they are unable to do it for themselves.


9. What does a “perfect day” in your life look/feel like?   

A perfect day for me would begin with the following:

  *Wake up to a clean house at least an hour before my kids are awake :-)

  *A leisure quiet time with coffee and the Lord

  *A clear schedule

  *A sunny day

  *Breakfast/Lunch with my Hubs

  *Family dinner and a movie


10. What is your ONE WORD for the next 12 months? Why?

Trust- I am walking into new spaces both in my career and family life, so there are places of uncertainty. When I feel uncertain or anxious, I remind myself to CHOOSE to trust.


11. Do you have a new book, product, or service launching soon?

I would love to write a book someday.

I am a NEW HOST on the She Speaks Stories Podcast. My first episode will launch soon and I will share the link as soon I have it!




Here is the link to her first podcast – as a host!

She Speaks Stories (with Portia)

Want to join us at the Sparkle Conference?

Details here:

Want to connect with Portia?




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