Today’s #MoxieChat guest is Ruth Buezis.

Ruth is the founder of Awaken-Love.  She is an engineer by trade and uncovered her calling later in life…. Which is what we are going to dig into today.

Ruth taught her first sex class to eight close friends in 2012 after experiencing transformation in her own marriage. From that small beginning, her message spread by word of mouth to impact marriages around the world. She now offers online Christian sex classes for wives, husbands and engaged couples. 

She recently published her book, Awaken Love, an honest, vulnerable look at what it takes to create amazing sex. Ruth also spends time speaking and developing curriculum around sexuality. Ruth has been married to Jim for over 30 years and has 4 amazing grown daughters. 

In her free time, you will find her snowboarding, gardening, fishing or building something new in her woodshop.

Ruth and I chat a lot about sex in this episode, so pop a pair of headphones on for this one, Lionesses.  Tears were flowing when she shares her story and her personal awakening to how STUNNING she is – inside and out… and how she wants each one of us to experience this same feeling!

I won’t make you wait a second longer… here’s RUTH!




#MoxieChat Highlights:


1. How do you define SUCCESS?

Following God where He leads me!


2. Share the THREE WORDS that describe you BEST and why!

Pioneer. Deep Thinker. Loyal.


3. What is the best advice you have ever received?

Put your husband before your kids.


4. What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

I love to build things.


5. If you could go back 11 years – what would you tell yourself?

Relax and enjoy the moments more – with my husband and kids.


6. What is one habit you are trying to build?

Feeding my soul – fishing, friends, new ideas, worship, moving my body


7. If you could share a meal with ANY 3 people, who would they be and why?

My Maternal Grandmother, Paternal Grandmother – they were amazing strong women


8. What does MOXIE mean to you?

Fearless freedom to be you.


9. What does a “perfect day” in your life look/feel like?

Making applesauce with my 4 daughters while my husband and son in law putz.


10. What is your ONE WORD for the next 12 months? Why?

Resilient – I want to hear other’s without taking it personally.