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Moxie Chat: Vy Luu * Conscientious. Enthusiastic. Inconstant. - Debra Trappen
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Moxie Chat: Vy Luu * Conscientious. Enthusiastic. Inconstant.


Today’s moxie chat guest is Vy Luu.


We were connected on line by Laura Monroe and finally met in person at the WomanUP! Conference 2019!

Vy is known by her biggest fan as ‘a chihuahua who thinks she’s a pit bull.’ At barely 5 feet tall, she has often met remote colleagues and been told they expected her to be taller. She is an ambitious learner in technology, process, project and business management. Her 20+ years career has been in technology and business transformation with internationally recognized companies including Nasdaq, Rogers Communications, Indigo Books and LoyaltyOne.

At Real Estate Webmasters, a leading technologically innovative organization in the luxury real estate space, Vy is the general manager. She is a collaborations focused leader in her portfolio ownership of the human resources, product development, professional services, customer experience, and shared services teams. Vy loves the diversity of people and experience she gets to work with every day, they are what makes Real Estate Webmasters’ clients exceptionally happy.

Vy prioritizes volunteering, writing, running, and spending time with her furry family by the west coast mountains and oceans.

During our chat, we explore what’s on her heart and dig into what it feels like to remember who your Lioness Pride is… and what she did the moment she realized how blessed she was by hers!

Without further ado, here is Vy.


MoxieChat Highlights


1. How do you define SUCCESS?

Success is going after what I thought I couldn’t do and then either meeting/superseding my expectations or learning a critical lesson from the process of going after the goal.

2. Share the THREE WORDS that describe you BEST and why!

Conscientious, enthusiastic, inconstant because I can get hyper-focused on achievements, optimistic about success, and love change.

3. What is the best advice you have ever received?

Don’t say “It’s too hard because someone else will do it and be proud of it.”

4. What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

I dislike public speaking or presentations.

5. If you could go back 11 years – what would you tell yourself?

Take risks, there are so many years ahead to try, learn, and do things again if they don’t work out the way you expected.

6. What is one habit you are trying to build?


7. If you could share a meal with ANY 3 people, who would they be and why?

Steve Jobs and Princess Diana if they were still alive, and Barack Obama because I admire the innovative, humanitarian and leadership qualities and accomplishments I know of them.

8. What does MOXIE mean to you?

MOXIE means knowing the talent you’ve created in yourself and using it to effect positive change in others.

9. What does a “perfect day” in your life look/feel like?

A perfect day would be waking up to a cup of coffee and bacon. Followed by an early morning paddle, run, or weight lifting session, then a great workday organizing a major project filled with unknowns and then making sense of what to do next, then steak, crab and a glass of red wine for dinner, then a walk by the ocean or in the mountains with my furry babes.


10. What is your ONE WORD for the next 12 months? Why?

Evolve because it’s once again time to grow myself and change!


Here is the link to the
Follow Your Arrow song that is my favourite.
The lyrics are below and they just speak to my heart :)

If you save yourself for marriage, you’re a bore
If you don’t save yourself for marriage, you’re a whore-able person
If you won’t have a drink, then you’re a prude
But they’ll call you a drunk as soon as you down the first one
If you can’t lose the weight, then you’re just fat
But if you lose too much, then you’re on crack
You’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you don’t
So you might as well just do whatever you want
Make lots of noise (hey)
And kiss lots of boys (yeah)
Or kiss lots of girls
If that’s something you’re into
When the straight and narrow
Gets a little too straight
Roll up the joint
Or don’t
Just follow your arrow
Wherever it points, yeah
Follow your arrow
Wherever it points
If you don’t go to church you’ll go to hell (uuh)
If you’re the first one on the front row
You’re a self-righteous son of a
Can’t win for losing
You’ll just disappoint ’em
Just ’cause you can’t beat ’em
Don’t mean you should join ’em
So make lots of noise (hey)
Kiss lots of boys (yeah)
Or kiss lots of girls
If that’s something you’re into
When the straight and narrow
Gets a little too straight
Roll up the joint
Or don’t
Just follow your arrow
Wherever it points, yeah
Follow your arrow
Wherever it points
Say what you feel (say what you feel)
Love who you love (love who you love)
‘Cause you just get so many trips ’round the sun
Yeah, you only
Only live once
So make lots of noise (hey)
And kiss lots of boys (yeah)
Or kiss lots of girls
If that’s what you’re into
When the straight and narrow
Gets a little too straight
Roll up the joint
I would
And follow your arrow
Wherever it points, yeah
Follow your arrow
Wherever it points

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