Happy December!

As we near the end of another year, many of us are in reflection mode.

Was your year filled with successes and overflowing with joy or not so much?

Did it zoom by or drag on and on for you?

Regardless of what has happened so far, there are always lessons to learn and ways to focus during these final weeks to turn even the hardest of years around!

Below are three of my favorite reflection questions that help shine a light on what you want more of, where you want to focus more time/energy, and who you want to share more experiences with during the final weeks of the year! Don’t miss the free dowbload at the end of this post to help you dig in even deeper.

Let’s do this!




1: Where am I with my goals?


Take some time to pull out the list of goals you wrote for 2019 and do a quick inventory of them. Under each category, write out the goals and why you either achieved, still want to achieve, or ditched them. Now you know exactly where you want/need to dig into and focus on the rest of this year!

Goals I Achieved:


Goals I Still Want To Achieve:




Goals I Ditched:



2. Which of my clients do I want more of (and less of) in 2020? 


First, write down 3 clients you absolutely loved doing business with this year and a sentence describing WHY you enjoyed them so much.





Now ask yourself these questions:

  • What are the commonalities between these clients?
  • Where can I invest MORE time and resources to uncover more people like them?
  • What events will they be attending?
  • Where do they spend their time online?
  • Who do I know that could introduce me to more connections like them?


Next, write down 3 clients you did not enjoy doing business with and a sentence describing WHY you did not enjoy working with them.





Now ask yourself these questions:

  • What are the commonalities between these clients?
  • Where can I invest LESS time and resources so I don’t attract more like them?
  • What events can I say NO to now?
  • Am I placing ads attracting this type of client?
  • Are the same people referring these clients to me?
  • Can I turn them into a referral source for others instead of a client source for me?


3. Who are the key people I want to share more time with the final weeks of the year?


Now that you have an idea of the types of clients you want more of in your business, it is time to build a list of the people you want to connect with more during this season ahead.  This list should include those clients, your inner circle of friends who fill your soul tank, and the people you don’t know well (yet!) who match your mission and vision.



Now ask yourself these questions:

  • What events would they love to attend with me?
  • Is this the year I host a holiday soiree and bring all of these people together?

The last thing on this point, pull out your calendar and start scheduling time with these people.  Book dates for coffees, teas, wine tastings, cocktail hours, walks, hikes, shopping, yoga, networking events, movie and pie dates… whatever brings you both joy. Get those booked now before the holidays are in full effect and the end of the year is in the rearview mirror.

Moxielicious Bonus Thought:

As you are working through this process, it is equally important to review your personal goals for this year.

Where are you with those?

What would you love to do for yourself between now and December 31st?


One of my favorite responses from a client on this one was, “Enjoy each moment and be more grateful for what I have.” Amen, right!?!


In honor of this noble pursuit, here is a list to inspire you. These will keep you smiling and living in gratitude… and maybe even help you slay a personal goal you have been putting off this year!


  • Schedule a spa day?
  • Plan a January vacation?
  • Start writing a book?
  • Read a book a week?
  • Get a mani/pedi with your best friend?
  • Send out holiday cards?
  • Start a book club?
  • NOT send out holiday cards?
  • Learn 5 sentences in a new language?
  • Schedule a date night every week for the rest of the year?
  • Decorate the home of a friend in need?
  • Adopt a family for the holidays and bless them?
  • Start a gratitude jar?
  • Serve at a local animal shelter?
  • Let your inner magician or songstress out and volunteer to entertain at your local Senior Center?
  • Finally, make a few projects with all of those wine corks you have been saving? *wink*


Want more ideas on coming from a place of GRATITUDE? 
Download my free “Art of Gratitude” guide and get started shifting your mindset today, my friend!


Lioness, enjoy these final weeks of 2019. You are worthy of divine, joy-filled moments. Soak them in and do your very best to be grateful as you continue to live your best life out loud, on purpose, and on your own terms.


