I have read several posts, quotes, and seen giggle-inducing pics regarding and celebrating Women’s Equality Day. Many of them reminded me we have a long way to go.
Here is the thing – I believe WE can each make a difference in our circles… both in person and online.
So, today I set forth a challenge to each of us to HONOR how far we have come as a people/nation and TAKE ACTION to get us where we need to be! If we ALL (yes, women AND men – we are in this together) take these steps – we will make a difference.
1. CHOOSE and encourage at least one woman EVERY SINGLE DAY to be her best self… The spotlight is ready for her!
2. HELP and HOLD her accountable to her dreams. Don’t let everyone else come first… She is worth it.
3. REMIND her of her greatness when she falls short of her personal expectations. (Which, let’s be real, are usually outrageously high to begin with…)
4. INSPIRE her to push beyond her comfort zones and reach for the audaciously fabulous dreams she has hiding inside her… especially the ones she is scared to say out loud!
5. SHARE the stories of her successes for her. If she wants to blog and publishes a post – share it. If she starts a new company – help her promote it. If she doesn’t quite know what she needs help with – help her define it!
6. TRULY celebrate her successes with her. Too often we compare ourselves to one another and keep quiet when another woman achieves a goal. Let’s be beacons of brilliant light showing the world what REAL WOMEN and MEN can do when we come together.