This time of year, most of us go into CRUNCH MODE. My November and December coaching calls are filled with conversations about BIG PLANS for the final 8 weeks of the year.

Many of the big hairy audacious goals (BHAGs) that were set have been achieved by now and many have not.
For most, we focus on what hasn’t been done. We skip the party to celebrate our success and pile on the self-doubt and wicked self-talk while obsessing about what hasn’t been achieved yet.
Take a moment to shake off the shame.  You have heard me say this ooooooodles of times – what you focus on FLOURISHES!


Where are your thoughts focused right now?


My friend, LIFE does not end and begin with a calendar year. If you are meant to do something and truly want to do it – I believe you will… in the proper time. If you shift to seeing the calendar as a motivating and inspiring element and do your best to stop seeing it as a guilt-inducing mechanism in life – imagine how much more you could accomplish?!
In honor of all of these feelings, today’s #MoxieMemo is all about being enough – whether you have slayed all of your goals already or not.

To get your mindset in check, I want you to do these things:


1: First, celebrate.
Pull out your goals and congratulate yourself on the goal and commitments you have achieved (and over-achieved).

2: Write down ONE life commitment/goal you want to focus on between now and the end of the year. 
ONE COMMITMENT, not 11 – ONE.  If you also own a business, do one goal for your business and one life commitment.

Need some help getting your goals aligned to your values and life vision? Check out this sassy workbook!

3: Pick up your phone, call your bestie, and tell her what you just did.
Share your success song and invite her on board to help you keep accountable to your end of the year BHAG! Of course, ask her what her successes were and how you can support her, too!

4: Now, use this goal/commitment as a filter for EVERY SINGLE RSVP this season.
Will the events on your calendar or in your notifications bring you closer to your goal?
Will the people you want to meet and connect with be there?
Will they honor your values and what you have just stated you want to do?
Will you learn something to help you achieve your goal faster?

You get the idea. If the answer is NO – then confidently pass on the invitation. Remember, NO is a complete sentence and does not REQUIRE an explanation.

My Darling Lioness, you’ve got this.

You are fully equipped for your purpose, it’s time for you to believe in yourself.

Now is the time.
This is the place.





You are enough.
You sparkle and shine. 
You are courageous, vivacious, tenacious, gracious, and fabulously sensuous. 
Your vulnerability inspires others.
Your fiery fabulousness blesses others.
Fiercely own and lovingly learn from your failures.
Shake off shame.
Embrace grace.
Get ready to live your best life out loud and on purpose – starting now.