How FULL is your soultank right this very minute?

First, what exactly is your “soultank”?

I imagine we each have this sweet space inside us that fills with happiness when we are doing the things we love to do, sharing time with loved ones, and surrounding ourselves with joyful experiences.

What FILLS our soultank is what we are passionate about, dream about, and look forward to doing.

Each of us has “soul moments” in our lives that FIRE US UP!  They include activities we love, people we adore being with, things we love to surround ourselves with – and we want to experience these moments as often as possible!  The problem is we get rolling with work and the responsibilities of life and forget to stop and fill our own soultank.

When your soultank is empty, you are not living up to your true potential or tapping into a divine happiness that belongs to you – not to mention you are not serving others at your highest level.

Let’s be real – NOT taking care of yourself is not an option.

Making time for everyone except YOU is not selfless… It is selfish.
When you are your best self you are able to serve others with a passionate soul.

Now, what?  Let’s start with a simple exercise.

  • Pour yourself a glass of wine, a cup of tea, or whatever beverage inspires you!
  • Now, write down the answers to these questions:
    • What activities FIRE ME UP?
      (taking a walk, playing with my dogs, coloring with my children/grandchildren…)
    • What makes me smile, relax, laugh, sing, shout or dance uncontrollably?
  • Choose the Top 11 from those answers – THIS is now your official SOULTANK LIST!
  • Pull out your calendar and schedule one of these on your calendar every single day for the next month.
    • Add an appointment in 30 days to repeat this exercise!Peppering them throughout the next four weeks should ensure you experience each of them THREE TIMES.  You won’t regret the time you are investing in yourself.  You WILL notice a difference. Your loved ones and colleagues will notice a difference.  You may even inspire them to do the same thing!  (How amazing would that be?)

What are you waiting for?

Get out that piece of paper and start writing your list, my darlings.


Debra's signature :)


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