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Moxie Chat: Meet Alissa Harper * Driven. Adventurous. Caring. - Debra Trappen
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Moxie Chat: Meet Alissa Harper * Driven. Adventurous. Caring.



Today’s guest, Alissa Harper, is here to share her fierce, fiery soultank filling wisdom with you.

Let me tell you a bit about her:

Alissa is a real estate tech industry vet with over 15 years’ experience, including 3 acquisitions, at some of the fastest-growing tech companies in the space. With roots in residential real estate and a passion for driving growth through strategic partnerships, Alissa has helped create and execute enterprise deals with the nation’s largest brokers and franchise brands at companies like: RealtyGenerator, Market Leader, Trulia and Zillow Group.

Alissa currently serves as SVP, Strategic Growth at Inside Real Estate.

(This is a NEW ROLE since we recorded our chat… congrats, Alissa!)

Things she loves? Being outdoors in nature, horseback riding, sharing quality time with her loved ones, and making a positive impact on someone’s day.

I loved our conversation about bringing more women and diverse voices to our stages and leadership tables in the real estate industry!

Without further ado, here’s Alissa!



Moxie Chat Highlights:


1. How do you define SUCCESS?

Success to me is living a BIG, FULL, MEANINGFUL life.
It means being able to take care of my family.
Pushing boundaries in my career.
Having the freedom to see and experience as much of this beautiful world as possible.


2. Share the THREE WORDS that describe you BEST and why!

Driven – I have ambitious goals in life and feel the most true to myself when I’m actively making strides forward towards achieving them.

Adventurous – Part of success to me is living a BIG and full life so I am always open and eager to try new things (food, travel, experiences, etc)

Caring – One of my favorite quotes is “people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”. Choosing compassion, choosing to help people even when they may not deserve it – that’s incredibly important to me.


3. What is the best advice you have ever received?

Don’t take anything personally. Peoples views and opinions of you are more about them than you – and really none of your business :)


4. What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

I was a total tomboy growing up!


5. If you could go back 11 years – what would you tell yourself?

To be more intentional about my time – it goes by fast!


6. What is one habit you are trying to build?

Consistency in my morning routine (reading, meditating, exercising).


7. How do you make a difference in your client’s lives?

By making sh*t happen :) I’m pretty relentless in identifying big picture opportunities and then putting in the work to bring them to life.


8. What does MOXIE mean to you?

Courage. Courage to be authentically and unapologetically YOU!


9. What does a “perfect day” in your life look/feel like?

Being outdoors in nature.

Horseback riding.

Quality time with my loved ones.

Making a positive impact on someones day.

Conquering a new milestone in my business.


10. What is your ONE WORD for the next 12 months? Why?

Gratitude. Looking at the world through a lens of gratitude puts everything in perspective and opens you up to new opportunities you may not have seen.


Listen in to hear her RAPID FIRE answers! :)



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