It’s time to Fire Up! with Morgan Ingram…

Morgan J. Ingram is a savvy, sales development rep at Terminus, where he helps companies to put their message in front of the right decision-makers through account-based marketing. He is also a motivational speaker and helps people remove their negative thoughts to unlock their inner potential and stresses the importance of not making excuses in their lives.

Morgan is knowledgeable in sales, public speaking, marketing/social media marketing, branding, and networking and relationship building.

When he’s not working away, Morgan loves watching sports, playing video games, watching movies and reading a massive amount of books (on task to read 300 this year).


Here’s Morgan Ingram

Q1: What was it that gave you the ‘push’ to begin living your dream?

The push that led me to begin living my dream was just taking action and saying I can do it. I am not a full-time speaker yet, however, I believe with a constant effort towards that goal I can make it happen.

Q2: What does success look and feel like TO YOU?

Success is basically happiness to me. It amounts to me loving what I do and loving what I am a part of.

Q3: Share the THREE WORDS that describe you BEST!


Q4: What was your biggest mistake? How did you learn from it?

Biggest mistake was not believing in my inner potential sooner. I did not know I could connect with so many powerful minds and they actually care about I have to say. I learned from it by now never doubting myself and always pushing forward.

Q5: What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

I played professional video games in high school and middle school. I spent about 10 hours a day playing games it was kind of bad. In addition, I also watch pro video gamers and I get more excited about that than sports sometimes.

Q6: If you could go back 10 years and share the knowledge you have now – what would you tell yourself?

I would have told myself to focus on what I need to get done instead of what other people are thinking. I think I get caught up in other peoples situations and not focus on my own growth. I love helping people but sometimes it can be TOO much help.

Q7: What inspires you to keep moving forward – even in moments of fear and doubt?

I think seeing the big picture is the biggest thing that inspires me to move forward. Even in the moments of doubt and fear, I get afraid that all my work will not be put into an awarding effort. In addition, prayer and having faith in God’s plan helps me out a lot as well.

Q8: What is the first thing you do in the morning?

First thing I do is pray. The biggest change in my life is when I started praying more.

Q9: What is your ‘superpower’?

My superpower is determination. I am super determined to finish a task once my mind has been set on it.

Q10: What are your TOP FIVE apps on your phone? Why?

The top five apps are Facebook, Gmail, Instagram, Bible, and Pomodoro. Facebook because I have to know what is going in the world and I have the most traction on that social medium. Gmail so that I can answer emails at a faster rate and so that I am informed on what is going on. Instagram because that’s where all my motivational post go and that is where I can find motivation. Bible this one is important because it has my daily verses on there that I can refer to. Pomodoro helps me keep my time management together so that I am prepared to execute correctly.

Q11: What songs are on your FIRE UP playlist?

Say I Won’t- Lecrae
Energy- Drake
Space Jam- Lil Wayne and Audio Push
Muse- Uprising
Nuthin- Lecrae
Where you at?- Future and Drake
Jumpman- Drake
Can’t Tell Me Nothing- Kanye West
Lights- Bassnectar
Victory Road- Psychic Type
Witching Hour- Autolaser
Promises- Nero


What is your ONE WORD for this year?


Anything else you would like to share with the Fire Up! Community?

Stay focused and crush goals!

Brief Bio:

I’m a sales development representative at Terminus, where I help companies to put their message in front of the right decision-makers through account-based marketing. I also do motivational speaking by helping people remove their negative thoughts to unlock their inner potential and stress the importance of not making excuses in your life.

I’m knowledgeable in sales, public speaking, marketing/social media marketing, branding, and networking and relationship building.

When I’m not working away, I love watching sports, playing video games, watching movies and reading a massive amount of books (on task to read 300 this year).

If you’re interested in grabbing coffee, or connecting with me, please send an email my way. Email-

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