Happy 6 years and 11 days anniversary to debratrappen.com!
Each year, I put together a blog post with my top lessons learned in the past year and publish it in October on the 11th (of course!). I wanted to spice it up this year, so I asked my Lioness Pride to share their best business advice or favorite lesson learned as a business owner. There is so much wisdom packed into this post and I’m so excited to hear what resonates with you.
To start, here are my 6 top lessons learned (or relearned) this year!
I have been inspiring others to boldly live their best life for many years. This year, I wanted to go BIGGER than ever before – so, I did. I found out that the bolder I became, the more confident those I lead became, too.
For example: Serving and empowering women has always been a passion of mine. My Power Women (#PWe3) Facebook Group turns 7 this year and is stronger than ever. The thing is, it has always been my passion project- not the focus of my consulting practice. I wanted to change that this year. Bringing my passion for empowering women DEEPER into my business was the best decision for me. Partnering with Sara Sutachan (with whom I am certain I share a hive brain sometimes!) and Leslie Appleton-Young at the California Association of REALTORS® has been such a blessing AND it has truly elevated (and validated) my expertise in this niche. The connections I have been nurturing for the last 15 years in real estate and women’s empowerment/leadership initiatives are coming together in so many magical ways now. Not only is my cup overflowing, but I have also been able to shine a light on so many amazing friends and companies through sponsorship opportunities – on a national level – like never before… how cool is that? Seriously, when I sit down and think about this – it brings tears to my eyes. I love what I do so much that it makes me WELL UP with joy.
Believe me, it wasn’t all a cake walk. I heard PLENTY from the naysayers. Wacky whispers like – “You are going to kill your business if you say you serve women – what about the other 50% of the population?” OR “They {women} are difficult to work with – was I sure?” (Seriously, did they not realize they were talking TO a woman?) – and a variety of other absurd, fear-filled statements. They were all fuel for my vision and some inspired me to really slow down and take a look at my decision – which I totally appreciate.
The reality is – more and more women are getting sick and tired of playing the political games in corporate settings, running on the hamster wheel in heels, and then receiving such small return or advancement on that investment. My ideal client is a woman who is entrepreneurial-minded is exactly the demographic that is growing. Those gals ready to ditch the senseless hustle the world dictates and build their best life on their own terms. STAT: Half (if not more, now) of small businesses are owned and run by female entrepreneurs, according to a study by The National Federation of Small Businesses.
I’m more confident and honored than ever to focus on these divine spirits… and always welcome others who are ready to fire up!
Fire Up Questions To Inspire Your Journey:
1: What is your niche?
2: Is it a specific as you want or are you ready to dig in and get even more focused?
3: If you could serve a specific group – who would they be?
Two years ago, I designed a “multiple business model” corporation. This process IGNITED my interest in my business and created so much clarity. (Check out the details in this post.)
My next exercise is a stakeholder review so I can clear the cobwebs out and start to create more margin in my schedule for new projects. In the past, I wouldn’t have been super excited about these types of activities. However, my voracious curiosity has been piqued and I am hooked.
Fire Up Questions To Inspire Your Journey:
1: What new processes are you implementing to keep your head and heart in the game?
This last year was filled with so many divine highs and some huge lows. There were some days that would start out with tears and end in laughter. I refused to lose myself inside the eye of the storm, so when the real-world opportunities arose to implement what I teach around self-care and aligning with my values – I went all in and loved it.
For example, I had been talking about getting back into Yoga for months. Giving myself excuses to avoid starting was becoming a habit – until that day when I was sick of hearing the sound of my thoughts. I finally confronted myself and decided on a 100 day Yoga challenge. The first 21 days were the hardest.
Knowing that it only takes 63 days to build a new habit it was much easier to stay the course. Now, I look forward to my quiet Yoga moments… and the ripple effects are expanding every day.
Fire Up Questions To Inspire Your Journey:
1: What are you consistently putting off until tomorrow?
2: What one step can you take today?
One of the major learnings during my business model creation phase was that too much of my bottom line was connected to exchanging my time for money. That isn’t scalable, sustainable, or in alignment with my values of well-being or mastery. I started with one eCourse and now I am hooked. My next eCourse, Fire Up Your Moxie, is in the works.
Want details when it launches? Sign up here: debratrappen.com/moxie-launch
Fire Up Questions To Inspire Your Journey:
1: Have you been thinking about putting together an eCourse of your own?
Keeping it fresh is a challenge when you are working from home and your team is virtual. My personal time has traditionally been at the end of the day. This year, I decided to look at my routine and shake it up. Now, I take a couple of hours in the morning as ME TIME. Yoga, listening to a podcast, reading, and writing are woven into each morning. I also started doing daily devotionals with friends across the globe. It is fun to keep connected through our faith via technology! I am more productive, efficient, and effective… and I am HAPPIER. So many wins from such a simple change.
Fire Up Questions To Inspire Your Journey:
1: How are you mixing up your routine?
2: What areas are getting stagnant and no longer firing you up?
Choose one and add some sass and sizzle tomorrow!
It is an honor to be a soul-centered, servant-hearted leader. The women and men with whom I do life are divinely appointed and add dynamic, delicious layers to my days. However, not everyone is meant to be in my life forever. This past year I realized I was holding on to relationships that no longer served either of us. It was time to let them go. One, in particular, had grown almost toxic and every single time my phone would make “her tone” – I would cringe. It was while on stage, giving a keynote talk about this very thing, that I realized it was time to implement it in my life.
Releasing our connection was one of the most difficult things I have had to do – in a long time. However, nearly immediately I started to feel more alive, more awake, and more aware of other relationships that were suffering because of the focus and mindspace that connection was holding hostage.
As I share in my LIONESS talk, not every Lioness is part of the same Pride. You know when it is time to let go, give yourself permission today.
Fire Up Questions To Inspire Your Journey:
1: Do you have a toxic relationship in your life?
2: What is one step you can take tomorrow to help you heal or release it?
As you can imagine, there were more lessons learned this last year… These were the first and mightiest that came to mind.
I am so grateful for you, my friend and reader. This journey would not be nearly as much fun and definitely not as rewarding if you were not with me.
Sending prayers, positive energy, and moxie-filled vibes your way!
Now, as promised, here is the brilliant advice from my Lioness Pride.
Sara Sutachan – “You absolutely need a business plan. because without a plan, a goal is just a wish.”
Lisa Archer – “Stay the course, get ok with doing the same actions daily til they produce the results and stay the course.”
Ashley Brooke Houseman – “It’s ok to say “no” to business (or outsource it) after hours and weekends to spend quality time with family as well as work on your spiritual, mental and physical self. I’ve never been a more happy momma, wife, and boss! Vacations are ok, too! ?”
Kim White – “I think one of my top lessons I have ever learned is being true to who I am. Being congruent in myself brings so much more confidence than trying to be someone else. Being who I am is SEXY!!!”
Portia Ryan – “Bringing heart and business together seamlessly can and does work. One does not negate the other. Heartfelt business is a super power we can all cultivate. ??”
Courtney Poulos – “Best advice I ever received was to outsource the services that you dread the most.”
Barbara Betts – “Best advice I’ve received and tell myself daily is:
- Being myself is good enough to be great
- You are the number one person in your calendar. Take care if yourself.
- Relationships: Building them, Nurturing them and taking care of them are the keys to success in business and life!!
- Children are a product of their environment!!”
Jennifer Johnsen Cameron – “Talk less listen more. If you’re reacting emotionally you’re not in control. Hit pause.”
Eileen Oldroyd – “ABH. Always. Be. Hustling.”
Julie Chancerelle Ziemelis – “Don’t focus on the money. Focus on your why and the end goal of helping others. It all comes back around!”
Kimberley Ezeard – “When I started my retail/service business, a respected veteran in the industry shared a glass of wine with me said, the best advice I can give you over the obvious about working smart and hard is, “mind your own business”. He went on to explain that is important to stay on top of the industry advances and tech, but don’t loose sight of your mission statement and what brought you to the industry. Stay true to yourself and mind your business not what everyone else is doing. He was right, that advise allowed me to track my business differently and not be influenced by the big players. My business stayed unique, and became a destination at the top tier of our industry !! whoop whoop…”
Erica Ramus – “Always trust your gut instinct. Plus a mentor always says if you don’t know what to do – don’t do ANYTHING. Freeze. Something is wrong. Don’t do anything until the path is clear.”
Hilary Britton – “You are in charge of the process. The client is in charge of the decision making. How you set up the expectations of that process will directly determine the ease in the decision making.”
Rosemary Phinney Buerger – “I am worthy of saying yes to myself and no to things that don’t bring me closer to my goals.”
Laurie Weston Davis – “Get it in writing…”
Joyce Cornell Papp – “Always handle your own checkbook. Never outsource that task. While I do have a bookkeeper, I check it every single day.”
Carol Farrar – “Be your authentic self. People will want to do business with those they connect with the most. It takes time to build trust and well worth the effort.”
Michelle Poccia – “My best advice, be consistent, use systems to work smarter and be able to serve more, and stay humble.”
Tiffany McQuaid – “Absolute best advice I was given and I keep it on my wall at the office… “if you can believe in something great, you CAN achieve something great!””
Mia McLeod Mercado – “A dear friend of mine once advised me to live my life with how I’d like to be remembered at my funeral or what I would like people to share about me at my 80th birthday. It’s so simple but yet so profound. No one will remember me by how many homes I’ve sold but they will remember how I made them feel or how I added value to their life.”
Cheryl Leighton Knowlton – “My biggest lesson as a business owner is to be very, very strategic with my focus. I have a ton of energy and a million fabulous ideas. My coach continually reminds me that the sun shines everywhere but it can’t cut through steel. Only focused lasers can do that! I’m getting better at focusing on what I am truly passionate about that will yield my clients the best results.”
Debra Picasso – “You can’t please everyone.” (Don’t let that devastate you!)
Judy Logue Gibbons – “What I have learned is the universe has put us together for a reason… and we have only just begun!! Looking forward to soaring together ?.”
Marguerite Crespillo – “Know your numbers… they tell you the truth about your business and where to focus your time and energy. ?”
Tammy Fink – “I have learned three things:
1. Know when to unplug…it takes me about three days to quit freaking out when I do…but I do it at least once a year.
2. Don’t slow down, when your business slows down during the year. Have other things to do…don’t panic…just keep moving forward in your business.
3. When building an online business Done is better than Perfect, almost everytime.”
Sandra Miller – “The best advice is to choose to be happy.”
Natalie Terry Iaquinto – “I was told a long time ago that we will never make EVERYONE happy. Be the best you that you can be and know that you gave more than your best in every situation possible. And don’t beat yourself up when things don’t work like you planned. Stress and worry never fix the problems. Just re-adjust and keep going. Be You….confidently! No one else does it better.”
Coni Meyers – “I have had 2 major things I have learned. I had an x partner teach me to make sure I dot all the “i’s” and cross all the “t’s”. That is why he is my X partner!! And second that good and bad Crystalline Moments happened and there is always a gift and opportunity even when you don’t see it right away.”
Valerie Torelli – “Ignore those that say it can’t be done….look for the opportunity in every moment.”