Hello, my fierce Lionesses!

I am excited to share the divine chat I share with Tara-Nicholle Nelson, CEO of SoulTour.

Our conversation on how to metabolize 2018 and set yourself up for a magnificent 2019 was one of my favorites of the year.  This “Mini Master Class” includes Tara sharing the 6 questions to asks yourself before Christmas every year.

Here are 2 of the 6:
    2: What questions did I answer this year?
    4: What am I ready to release?

Listen in to learn 1, 3, 5, 6… and how to walk through each one!

Regardless of the time of year you listen to this chat, her process is GOLDEN!


For a deeper dive, join me for FREE New Year’s Intention-Setting Workshop for Conscious Leaders & Creators!
