First things first – read the affirmation out loud.

Today, I accept myself unconditionally.
I will shake off the shame, embrace the grace, and live my beautiful, divine life out loud!

Now, repeat it. This time, put your hands over your heart and speak it over yourself – letting it really soak in DEEP!

I know, I know. Accepting ourselves unconditionally can seem daunting.

What do you mean I can’t pick myself apart? I have to love myself – even the lumps and bumps? The cellulite and – what the heck was that – A premenopausal hot flash? I have to love myself with those too? Yes.

Here are three truths to focus on this week:

1. It is freeing when you decide to BE YOU. ALL of you… out loud, on purpose, and on your own terms.

If you have been listening to my podcast or reading my blog for a while, you have done the work to define your values, you know what fills your soultank, and you have uncovered your divine purpose.

You know who you are and who you want to become…
so BE the most radical version of YOU.

Bravely. Boldly. Unapologetically. BE YOU.

2. Comparing yourself to others is a waste of time – and you don’t have time for that.

One of the main reasons we don’t accept ourselves it because we don’t match up to others around us. It is time to stop holding yourself back by comparing yourself to others, focusing on what you don’t have or what others do, and start to embrace your unique, quirky self.

All of you – curves, lines, successes, and yes – your glorious failures!

I love this saying:  “There is no competition among wild women! They are too damn wild to be caught in a tiny space of envy. Instead, they dance together and allow the good to flow abundantly to them.”

Cast aside your desire for small-minded comparisons.

Focus on being your best YOU and nurturing a tribe that will encourage, empower and love you along the way.

3. Boldly accepting that your experiences, trials, and talents make you uniquely you takes GUMPTION.

You know the world is full of knockoffs, spinoffs, and cheap imitations. You realize being “genuine” seems all too often to be the exception, not the norm. You know there is only ONE person just like you, so why do you fight being “yourself”?

Simply put – the world has been telling us for decades to fall in line, act like a lady, keep your thoughts to yourself… it takes gumption – sheer moxie – to step up and claim your individuality.

It’s time to acknowledge your greatness, embrace your unique qualities, and get excited that you really do have our own path.

It’s time to stop waiting for someone else to validate your purpose or to tell you what you can do to make a difference. You already know. 

It’s time for you to infuse your purpose and become part of the solution you seek.

Start believing there isn’t anyone like you.

I dare you. ;)

