This week’s affirmation is about serving others -generously and joyfully..

Are you ready? Repeat after me:

I am created to serve generously and joyfully!
I seek opportunities to lift others up every day.

To get us rolling, I put together a handful of ways we can all start serving and living generously.

1: Clean out your closets and donate to others in need.

There are so many joy-filled moments in this one! You are clearing out the clutter from your space and making margin for what blessings are coming next. You are blessing someone you will never know with what you are releasing. ALSO – you are (likely) honoring at least one of your core values. For example, these values would be beautifully aligned with donating: making a difference, community, family, compassion, organization…

Oh, and don’t forget, to check and see if you get a tax deduction for an added bonus!

If you have not defined your Core Values, download a free exercise on my site at:

I recommend reading this book to guide you: The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning
I am going through this now… and it is wonderful. ;)

2: Create Blessing Bags for the homeless.

Don’t want to give cash? This is an excellent option. My hubby and I have these in our car and they are usually accepted with a huge smile and thank you! I will share a full list of the things we have put in ours over in the show notes!

We use a gallon-size zipper-lock plastic bag and put in:

  • A bottle of water
  • Socks
  • Gloves – depending on the season
  • Mini Toiletries from all our hotel stays
  • Tuna and crackers
  • Granola Bar or cereal bar
  • Fruit snack or applesauce cup
  • Crackers with peanut butter or cheese
  • Gift certificate to fast food
  • Hand wipes/sanitizer
  • Pack of Kleenex
  • Maxi pads/tampons (grab an extra one from your hotel stays!)
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Nail clippers
  • Band-Aids
  • ~ Chapstick
  • Comb or small brush
  • Mints, cough drops or gum
  • Touch cards that share the addresses of local shelters
  • Note of encouragement

3: Mentor someone.

You have something special to give. You have a unique set of experiences that someone else would love to learn. Don’t wait for someone to ask you to be her mentor… be bold and share with her what’s on your mind! Ask her if she would love to share time together learning from you and see where it goes!

The WomanUP!® Movement has a wonderful mentorship platform we run through our closed Facebook group! If you are in the real estate industry and are seeking to learn or teach someone how to open, run, or lead a brokerage – join us! The link is in the show notes!

4: Volunteer your time.

What causes are important to you?
What talents do you have to share?

Whether it is cleaning up your neighborhood, caring for pets at the local shelter, or sharing time at the local senior center playing cards, singing karaoke, or doing magic to entertain them – your soultank will be overflowing from this precious time!

An added bonus: if your “day job” doesn’t tap into your creative, musical, magician self – this time will do the trick!

5: Spread LOVE!

Put together a THINKING OF YOU package for a loved one across the miles and send them smiles!

Don’t want to put it together yourself? Instead of sending flowers, consider sending a Gift Box from Intentionaliteas!
Use the code FIERCE when you check out for a sweet discount from Molly and Stacey!

Don’t have any extra budget for goodie boxes? Make a call… Send a text… Pop a love note or postcard in the mail…

Lioness, starting now, focus on lifting up and serving those around. It is going to feel so good.

I dare you!

