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Moxie Chat: Ameeta Jain * Compassionate. Hungry. Centered. - Debra Trappen
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Moxie Chat: Ameeta Jain * Compassionate. Hungry. Centered.


Today’s moxie chat guest is Ameeta Jain.


140 on IG:

Mom to two. Wanderlusting. Miss my friends. Miss hugs. Also, making tech a magical art form for good to help children, families & communities 🌎💡💚


A bit more about Ameeta!

I’m a mom to two amazing souls who are my inspiration to be better, do better, and strive for more. As a technology entrepreneur, I’ve had the privilege to contribute to the advancement of humanity through tech. My passion has always been to ensure the end-user of our products enjoys huge benefits. My latest project is truly where my happy place is, helping children. We are taking the world of education by storm with an award-winning reading and comprehension learning technology that levels the playing field for all kids. With over 20 years of tech experience and an army of child development professionals, reading specialists, and experts in education, I created Readability.

Without further ado, here’s Ameeta.


MoxieChat Highlights


1. How do you define SUCCESS?

I define success when I feel fulfilled. That fulfillment can come from lifting others up, making a positive difference in someone’s life. Feeling fulfilled can come from watching the people I love excel and flourish. It also comes from setting goals and achieving those goals. It can be as simple as finishing a project before the deadline or setting a goal to make dinner and then following through. It’s the small and big things.

2. Share the THREE WORDS that describe you BEST and why!

Compassionate: I care. I care about you and your well-being, this planet, our country, our society, our children, the environment, access to health care, education, human rights

Hungry: for so many things (food for sure) for knowledge, for love, for peace, for prosperity, for kindness to be bestowed upon me

Centered: I’ve worked hard to center myself, to not react immediately, to breathe in deep breaths and center myself to fight on, move on, love on.

3. What is your favorite soultank-filling activity?

I live for the two weeks in the year that I travel with my husband and now young adult kids. We have the best conversations, eat great food, discover new sites, it’s just so magical for me. Since I haven’t had the opportunity to do that this year, the 2nd best soultank filling activity is just being with them at home, cooking together, sharing a meal, going for a walk, sharing a laugh.

4. What does MOXIE mean to you?

I like thinking of Moxie as being feared and revered with sparkles and illuminating light.

5. What is ONE WORD guiding you right now?

PEACE…creating inner peace and peaceful surroundings. Making decisions that bring about peace for me professionally and personally. This means you have to say no and be ok with it.


We dug into the Diwali traditions she celebrates and decided to celebrate it together with friends next year. 
I love learning about the holidays other cultures celebrate, don’t you?

A sweet goodie from Ameeta:

Try Readability free for 7 days here:


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