
This is part two of my moxie chat with Valerie Alexander. If you didn’t catch our first chat, be sure to hop on over there first, hear her full bio and our “part one” conversation.

Valerie is a tech CEO, author, publisher, screenwriter, wife, German Shepard Mama, and – the role we will focus on today – A SPEAKER!

Pour yourself a cup of one of my dearest Lioness sister’s Intentionaliteas and settle in to listen to her fierce, fiery soultank filling wisdom flows on in this continuation.

During this chat, we dig into what it is like being a female on the male-dominated speaking circuit, how to pick topics, where we find business, and she slays the rapid-fire questions at the end!

Here is part 2 of my Moxie Chat with Valerie Alexander… 

Enjoy my friends!





1: When did you know you wanted to be a speaker?

2: How did you start?

3: How did you choose your first talk topic?

4: Where do you find most of your business?

5: What’s your favorite topic to present?

6: What advice do you have for women considering getting into speaking?

7: What is your dream stage?

8: What’s next for you?


Listen in to hear her RAPID FIRE answers! :)

Want to hire Valerie to speak at your next event?

Visit her website!