Last week, I attended the Oxygen Women’s Conference.
It was a two-night event filled with life-giving and life-changing messages from these amazing women: Jodi Cameron, Sheila Gerald, Nichole Stanton Moore, April Carter and Bianca Olthoff! As you know, normally, I am speaking at these types of events, so it was such a gift to be there, be present, and be FILLED. My soultank is overflowing.
Before I share some fabulous highlights from the event, I want to share a story with you. The first night, a friend came up to me, with a bright, shining smile… She said she had something for me and handed me a little sparkly gift bag. Inside it was this little “wine diva” goodie and note.
This is why I do what I do and WHY I love what I do. This is why I believe it is so important to uncover your purpose and love what you do – whether it is through your job (in or outside of the home) or a passion project.
Notes like this fuel my purpose (to fire people up) and show me that I am making a difference! Little signs like this remind me that sharing what I love (wine) allows people to get to know me. This allows someone I serve to joyfully bless me in a meaningful way. How COOL is that?
Her kind, affirming, encouraging words also serve as a reminder of how important it is to intentionally choose and pour into your tribe!
Who has helped fire YOU up lately?
Who will YOU send an honor-filled thank you note to today?
Make someone’s day…
My Oxygen 2016 Highlights:
Pastor Jodi Cameron was so brilliant, bold and beautiful!
- Make sure the battles you are fighting are worth it. Also, make sure they are YOURS to fight!
- Don’t let your words reflect your current reality but let them aim you toward a future reality…
- Choose the ULTIMATE, not the immediate. You are WORTH IT!
Bianca Juarez Olthoff truly FIRED ME UP! As one of my besties, Cill, says: “Good gravy!” Her sass and moxie were off the charts.
- Even amidst the chaos of the world – each of us can choose to BELIEVE.
- We can’t just call on God like a magical genie…
- When we worship, our posture changes. (We can use this powerful reminder every day. Put your hands in the air – doesn’t that feel AMAZING?!)
- AND–> everyone should have the Bible read to them like an episode of a telenovela! WOW!
April Carter (aka Blonde Courage) inspired in so many ways, too!
- “We may not all have a non-profit, platform or a microphone, but we DO all have a voice we need to USE!”
- She reminded us not to shrink back and hide in a corner when we don’t feel sufficient or good enough. Surround ourselves with people who HAVE WHAT WE WANT… If we seek to be more courageous, find women of courage. If we desire to be more confident, passionate, encouraging, _______ – find women who exemplify those characteristics and connect to them! Learn from them. Teach them what we know. GROW TOGETHER.
- Also, we need to STOP looking behind us and making assessments for our future.
Pastor Sheila Gerald is a grace-filled, encouraging woman I am proud to call my friend and mentor. Seriously, this woman sprinkles God-Glitter everywhere she goes!
- Shine a light on each other. Encourage each other. Praise each other for fighting the fight and winning the battle. EMPOWERING one another is one of the greatest gifts we can give other women. Pastor Sheila Gerald honored 11 women (yes, ELEVEN) and I was one of them. She shared the story of me writing my Fire Up! book… It was such an honor to stand with these strong women!
(Grab a free FIRE UP chapter HERE!)
I went to the conference with sooooo many questions whirling around in my head about “WHAT IS NEXT?” – along with an expectant heart and an open mind.
I left the conference with greater clarity and a renewed excitement about the next steps in my Fire Up! journey. More to come on this – SOON!

Back to front: Cill, Me, April, Randi, and Shannon. Blessed to do life with these women! Who is on your journey with you? Remember… choose them wisely and they will bless you beyond measure. :)
Want to join us at next year’s Oxygen Conference here in Seattle?
Check out the details and register here!
Check out the highlights from this year:
Oxygen 2016 Highlights from Champions Centre on Vimeo.